7 Brain-Boosting Recipes That Will Keep Your Mind Young

What you eat can save your brain from years of cognitive aging and reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

9 Recipes That Are Way Better With an Egg on Top

These 9 recipes just got a major taste and protein upgrade with the ever so incredible, edible egg.

Here's What Happens When You're Up for Anything

LIVESTRONG took influencers Daisha Graf and Lee Tilghman on the ultimate wellness tour with a surprise itinerary— here's what happened!

7 Drinks Inspired by Literature to Curl Up With This Winter

There is endless culinary inspiration in the feasts, parties and family dinners in my favorite novels: Gatsby's extravagant parties, the beavers preparing dinner for the Pevensie children in Narnia. These seven drinks should keep you warm until spring.

10 Signs You've Found the One

From respecting your partner to sharing similar values, here are ten signs you've found the person you're meant to be with.

13 Sex Questions You Shouldn't Be Afraid to Ask in a Committed Relationship

In a committed relationship? Here are the 13 questions you should ask your partner to keep your sex life sizzling.

The Best 2018 New Year's Resolution for Your Zodiac Sign

Call it a goal, an intention or (the more traditional term) a [resolution](https://www.livestrong.com/article/1011687-6-easy-new-years-resolutions-can-actually-keep/), the beginning of a new year is the perfect opportunity to start fresh and to think about big-picture changes or accomplishments you want to aim for.

What Causes Constant Mucus After an Aerobic Workout?

You may experience an increase in mucus production after an aerobic workout due to environmental triggers, illness or pollution.

Cardio Exercises & Sinus Pressure

Sinus pressure can be a pain, but in most cases it won't prevent you from doing cardio. You may need to adjust the intensity based on your symptoms.

This Year's 10 Most Stressed-Out Cities in America

Stress-levels in the U.S. have spiked this year. Do you live in one of America's most stressed-out cities?

The New MyQuit Coach App Helps Make Quitting Smoking a Reality

If you know someone who smokes and wants to quit, MyQuit Coach is a new free app that will make quitting a reality. Get your own personalized plan to quit!

Veterans Serving With The Mission Continues Are Improving Thousands of Lives — Including Their Own

As Hurricane Irma tore through the Caribbean on a collision course with his Miami neighborhood, Derek Auguste didn’t hesitate. He and his platoon quickly pooled their military expertise to prepare.