Tiny Bumps on the Breast

 by Charles Webb

Women are being so educated about watching for lumps and bumps on the breast that could be a sign of cancer or something abnormal, that many are just not sure what should or shouldn't be present on the breast. It is perfectly normal to have various sized bumps around the areola or the nipple of the breast.

Women are being so educated about watching for lumps and bumps on the breast that could be a sign of cancer or something abnormal, that many are just not sure what should or shouldn't be present on the breast. It is perfectly normal to have various sized bumps around the areola or the nipple of the breast. If you are concerned about bumps on your breast, especially if they have not been present before, see your physician.


Women who are not aware of these bumps may mistakenly think they are a small pustule or pimple, and attempt to squeeze them. This is definitely not something that should be done, because it could lead to infection.


These bumps could also be breast fibroids, which are non-cancerous tiny bumps, which sometimes cause swelling near the surface of the breast. Breast fibroids are very common in women over the age of 30. They are non-threatening, and may continue to appear until menopause, after which they tend to disappear as estrogen and progesterone decrease in the body.

Expert Insight

The Cleveland Clinic suggests that if the bumps do not change or grow in size, they may be Montgomery glands, which look like tiny goose bumps, and are not a threat to a woman's health. Montgomery glands are also quite common in women over the age of 30, and they are present to keep parts of the breast lubricated and protected. They are commonly seen in numbers varying from four to twenty-eight.


The Montgomery glands are named after an Irish obstetrician, William Fetherstone Montgomery, who discovered and described them to the medical community in the mid-1800s. His discovery led him to become a chair member at the Irish College of Physicians.


Montgomery glands are a natural part of a woman's anatomy, and do not cause any discomfort. However, breast fibroids can cause painful swelling in some women, while others may never notice them. Eating a low-fat, vegetarian diet and consuming a minimum of eight glasses of water per day will help a woman's body fight off breast fibroids.


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