You should cover your mouth and nose instead of hands when you sneeze,

 by Kristen Fascett

When you feel like sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth to prevent the spread of infectious bacteria. You may know this.

You should cover your mouth and nose instead of hands when you sneeze,

When you feel like sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth to prevent the spread of infectious bacteria. You may know this.

But the way to pout is also very important. Many people have not heard of the guidance given by health officials: if there is no paper towel, you should sneeze or cough against the arm, not the palm. Even if it means you have to break the habit of long-term formation.

“If you sneeze into your palm, it will give the bacteria a chance to spread it to other people or contaminate other items that the person has touched,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is responsible for the Waterborne Disease Prevention Group. Dr. Vincent Hill said.

The most common form of bacterial transmission is droplets that are ejected by sneezing and coughing. Drops on your hands are transmitted to objects such as door handles, elevator buttons, or other surfaces that people around you may touch.

This is not that we are too annoying. Sneezing and coughing toward the arm is not only a standard recommendation for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but also a standard recommendation for organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Public Health Association. Even the subway system in New York City broadcasts broadcasts from time to time, requiring passengers to "cough, sneeze, or use paper towels" in the arms.

This proposal is relatively new, and you and your colleagues don't understand it. Hill said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines became official guidelines in the last 10 to 15 years.

Dr. Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association, said that he began to pay more attention to these suggestions about 10 years ago.

This means that adults may have missed these suggestions. But children often learn the right way to cough or sneeze at school – it's sometimes called Dracula cough, because it makes you look like you are covering yourself with a cloak. Earl.

Mary Anne Jackson, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, said that the term "cough etiquette" first appeared in 2000, she said, sneezing toward the arm. The recommendations can be traced back to 2003, when SARS was rampant. By 2009, when the H1N1 swine flu epidemic hit the United States, it gained further attention.

That year, Kathleen Sebelius, then Minister of Health and Human Services, also humiliated him by NBC reporter Chuck Todd's sneeze at the White House press conference. . (Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh then dismissed it as a "Vanity Elite".)

To clarify, even if this method is the best means at the moment, it does not eliminate all risks. Jackson said the study showed that even masks could not prevent all droplets from entering the air.

But any way to reduce the amount of droplets is good. This view repeated repeatedly by health officials cannot be overstated: make sure you wash your hands often.

“The most important thing people can do to stay healthy is to wash their hands,” Hill said.


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