Easy Ways to Burn 100 Calories

 by Arit John

Not having time is the #1 excuse people give for skipping a workout. Truth is, though, as long as you’re moving around, you’re still getting a small workout without even realizing it (or at least burning more calories than sitting on the couch).


Not having time is the #1 excuse people give for skipping a workout. Truth is, though, as long as you're moving around, you're still getting a small workout without even realizing it (or at least burning more calories than sitting on the couch). While it's still a good idea to hit the gym or go for a run every now and again, here are nine simple, gym-free ways to burn 100 calories in less than 30 minutes. (Note: All of these are based on someone weighing 155 pounds.)

1. Go Bowling

Instead of going out to see a movie, spend your night out at the nearest bowling alley. Bowling is fun, competitive and will burn 100 calories in 27 minutes. And if they're playing music, why not dance in between your turns to bowl to burn a few extra calories.

2. Walk the Dog

Studies show that dog owners are usually in better shape than people without pets, and it has a lot to do with the fact that dogs need to be walked. Man's best friend is a great motivator to get you out and about, and it doesn't take long for the calories to add up. Walking at 4 miles per hour (a fairly fast pace) will burn 100 calories in about 18 minutes.

Related: The 15 Best Dog Breeds For Running

3. Go for a Swim

Swimming is one of the more intense cardio workouts. It's also low impact, which makes it easy on the joints, while improving muscle strength, balance and endurance. Plus, it burns calories quickly. Just 14 minutes of normal swimming will burn 100 calories. Engaging in more high-energy strokes, like the breaststroke, will torch 100 calories in eight minutes.

Related: 7 Tips to Become a Better Swimmer

4. Jump Rope

As far as workout intensity is concerned, jumping rope is comparable to vigorous swimming and running at 6 mph. But unlike most cardio workouts, you don't have to leave your home to jump rope. If you have a jump rope, an open space and eight minutes of free time, you can burn 100 calories.

Related: A Fat-Blasting Jump Rope Workout You Can Travel With

5. Cook a Meal

As the saying goes, if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Cooking your own meals allows you to ensure that the healthiest, leanest ingredients are used. If that's not enough, here's another reason to stop ordering take-out: cooking for 33 minutes will burn off 100 calories.

6. Rake the Leaves

For many people, gardening is a fun hobby and may not even seem like a workout. But all of the energy burned from squatting, lifting, raking and pulling in the yard adds up. Rake the lawn and sack leaves for 21 minutes or pull weeds for 18 minutes and burn 100 calories.

7. Just Dance

Dancing is a great way to get in your cardio workout and have fun doing it. But if classes with complex routines scare you, try learning disco, ballroom or square dancing instead. About 15 minutes of dancing will burn 100 calories. Not a class person at all? Dance around your living room to your favorite pump-up playlist instead.

Related: 12 Workouts to Improve Your Mood

8. Wash the Car

Cleaning anything will help you burn a few calories, but some cleaning jobs yield greater results than others. Washing your car or cleaning the windows around the house will blast 100 calories in 18 minutes.

9. Use the Stairs

Taking the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator is one of the easiest choices you can make to burn calories. It's also the sort of workout that you can do just about anywhere. Fourteen minutes on a stair step machine will burn 100 calories, but the stairs in your house, apartment or office work just as well.

Related: A Fast, Full-Body Outdoor Stair Workout

What Do YOU Think?

How often do you find yourself without time for a "real workout"? How do you fit fitness into your day? Do you do any of the things on this list? Which are your favorites? Which ones will you add into your routine? Which ones would you have added to the list? Share your suggestions in the comments below!

Related: 13 Everyday Activities That Burn More Than 200 Calories


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