10 Ways to Beat Belly Bloat

 by K. Aleisha Fetters

Bloating doesn't have just one cause: Everything from your emotions to your gut bacteria can balloon your waistline. Here are 10 simple steps to help you beat the bloat.


Can't squeeze into your skinny jeans no matter how much you suck in your stomach? You're not alone. Up to 25 percent of healthy adults experience regular bloating, according to a 2012 study published in ISRN Gastroenterology. The reason: Bloating doesn't have just one cause, says Jacqueline Wolfe, M.D., an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, and author of A Woman's Guide to a Healthy Stomach. Everything from your emotions and eating habits to the bacteria that call your gut home can balloon your waistline. Here are 10 simple steps that can help you beat the bloat.

1. Feel the Burn

Feeling gross? The last thing you should do is skip your sweat session. During and following your workout, gas passes more easily through the digestive system, according to Spanish researchers. Let the gas out, and you'll kick the bloating, too. "Gas gets trapped in one spot of the small intestines, making your abdominal region distend," Dr. Wolfe says. And in case you need some motivation to hold that plank longer, people with six-pack abs suffer from far less bloating than do people with less-defined ones, according to London researchers. Why? Strong abdominal muscles inhibit gas from pushing outward.

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2. Pop Some Probiotics

Your intestines play host to legions of bacteria. And that's not a bad thing. They help the body absorb vitamins and minerals, aid in digestion and bolster the immune system. But when bacterial imbalances happen (like after taking antibiotics), they can throw your whole digestive system out of whack, says Sita Chokhavatia, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Taking certain probiotics can help restore order and beat the bloat. Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium lactis are the only kinds that have been found to reduce bloating, according to a 2011 study in the Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology.

Read more: 13 Surprising and Beneficial Probiotic Foods

3. Dial Back on the Dairy

More than one in 10 adults are lactose intolerant, and bloat is an all-too-common symptom, according to a 2009 Baylor College of Medicine study. People who are lactose intolerant don't produce the enzyme lactase and can't digest lactose, a type of sugar found in dairy. If you've been diagnosed as lactose intolerant or believe milk is messing with your belly, try cutting back on dairy. But if you have to remove dairy from your diet entirely, remember you'll need to get calcium and vitamin D elsewhere, says Dr. Chokhavatia. Green veggies, soy beans and almonds are all good sources.

4. Slash Your Stress Level

As if stress wasn't bad enough on its own, it can also make you bloat. When you're anxious, your body releases cortisol and adrenaline, hormones that stimulate your digestive system and cause gas, bloating and even diarrhea. What's more, people who are stressed tend to swallow air unknowingly, eat foods too quickly and don't schedule quality bathroom time, says Dr. Chokhavatia. If you can't get rid of your stressors (think: in-laws), you may be able to manage the anxiety through cognitive behavior therapy or relaxation therapy. They are both effective in preventing and treating bloating, according to research from the University of Sydney.

Read more: 21 Stress-Reducing Techniques

5. Skip Sugar Substitutes

Sugar-free doesn't mean belly-friendly. Many sugar-free beverages, candies and gums contain the sweeteners sorbitol, xylitol and mannitol, which are difficult to digest and can trigger the production of hydrogen gas in the small intestines, causing severe bloating, Dr. Wolfe says. The Food and Drug Administration requires products that may result in a daily consumption of 50 grams of sorbitol to include a warning label that they "may have a laxative effect." Still, as little as 10 grams of sorbitol can trigger stomach trouble, says Dr. Wolfe. One stick of sugar-free gum typically contains about 1.25 grams.

6. Stay Hydrated

You might think that more liquids equals more belly volume, but as long as you aren't drinking water by the barrel, staying hydrated will keep you svelte, says Dr. Wolfe. Why? When you're dehydrated, your body thinks you're trying to cross a desert with an itty-bitty canteen. To fill up its reserves, it stores water between cells and in the fat cells, causing all-over bloating, she says. What's more, dehydration can cause your digestive system to slow to a halt, resulting in constipation and a distended abdomen. Shoot for eight glasses a day. Bonus benefit: Drinking water regularly can help curb food cravings.

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7. Close Your Mouth

"Not chewing with your mouth open goes far beyond good manners," says Dr. Chokhavatia. "Swallowing air can cause bloating." Mixed in with your food, air pockets travel through your digestive system and can cause bloating and gas. It's estimated that most people ingest 30 milliliters of air with each swallow. But that doesn't mean you're destined to have a belly full of air. By drinking with a straw, staying mum when your mouth is full and avoiding chewing gum, you can limit the amount of air you mistakenly swallow, Dr. Chokhavatia says.

8. Shake Your Sodium Habit

If you consume too much sodium, your body holds onto water to help you maintain the proper sodium balance in your body, leading to bloating, Dr. Wolfe says. This water retention can be particularly bad in the small intestines, which is to blame for a bigger belly. But ditching your salt shaker might not be enough. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, 75 percent of the average American's sodium intake (which is almost twice what it should be!) comes from commercially prepared foods. Scale back your intake of take-out meals and pre-packaged foods, and your bloat will go, too.

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9. Pack Potassium

Reducing your sodium levels isn't just about what you don't eat. It's also about what you do eat. Bananas, papayas, kiwis, strawberries, spinach, beets and broccoli contain potassium, which acts as a diuretic, driving water molecules out of fat cells and increasing the amount of sodium in your urine, says Dr. Chokhavatia. While an over-the-counter diuretic might seem like an easy fix, many can cause low levels of potassium, exacerbating bloat over the long term.

10. Get Whole Fiber

Fiber is famous for a reason: It helps you poop. Since constipation and bloat go hand in hand, fiber can cut your chances of ballooning up. Don't buy into the fiber craze in processed food, however. Many manufacturers add fiber in the form of inulin, which is difficult to digest, Dr. Chokhavatia says. A 2010 study from the University of Minnesota in Saint Paul found that people who eat 10 grams of inulin at one time suffer significantly more gas and bloating than those who eat less. Your belly's best bet is to get fiber from fruits, veggies and whole grains, and it's a great idea to cut back on packaged foods that list chicory root or inulin as an ingredient.

Read more: 19 High Fiber Foods - Some May Surprise You

What Do YOU Think?

Have you ever been bloated? What did you do? Have you tried any of the tips above? How did they work for you? Are there any other tips that you would add to the list? Share your suggestions and stories in the comments below!


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