How to Treat Red Veins on the Face

 by Shannon Marks

Several condintions cause red veins on your face. Post-menopausal women often experience thinning of skin, which can reveal the appearance of blood vessels. Rosacea is a common skin disorder that can cause blood vessels to break or become dilated, a condition called telangiectasia.

Several condintions cause red veins on your face. Post-menopausal women often experience thinning of skin, which can reveal the appearance of blood vessels. Rosacea is a common skin disorder that can cause blood vessels to break or become dilated, a condition called telangiectasia. Treatment choices range from the noninvasive, such as oral medications, to pulsed light therapy that can destroy discolored melanin.

Step 1

Take an oral or topical antibiotics to treat the visible red veins caused by rosacea, advises the Rosacea Awareness Program. The Mayo Clinic suggests that oral antibiotics work faster than topical ointments. Common antibiotics your doctor may prescribe include tetracycline, minocycline and erythromycin.

Step 2

Take prescription or nonprescription steroids for facial blood vessels caused by rosacea. You should only use steroids short term, because they do have side effects, which in some cases include the worsening of rosacea symptoms.

Step 3

Avoid triggers, which include, "Anything that causes your skin to flush or raises your blood pressure can be a potential trigger," according to the Rosacea Awareness Program. Extreme weather conditions like the hot sun, wind, humidity, intense heat or cold can trigger a flare-up. Exercise and stress can also affect your complexion.

Step 4

Have saline injections. Concentrated saline (saltwater) injections into vessels can cause them to close up.

Step 5

Get intense pulsed light treatments. This procedure involves penetrating the skin with pulses of high-intensity light. The light heats and destroys the discolored melanin.


Do not start a treatment regimen, even one that is over-the-counter, without first consulting with your doctor. Everyone's skin responds to cosmetic treatments differently. Cover your blemishes with cosmetic cover-up. Some concealers are so well formulated they can hide tattoos. Makeup is obviously not a permanent solution, but it will hide your facial blood vessels better than any medication or invasive cosmetic procedure.


Having skin sensitivities or allergies can make you a poor candidate for invasive skin procedures.


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