What Supplements Are Good for Body Odor?

 by Jennifer Byrne

Persistent body odor despite thorough hygiene can be frustrating and embarrassing. Even with the best deodorants, soaps or hygiene habits, some people are more prone to body odor than others.

Persistent body odor despite thorough hygiene can be frustrating and embarrassing. Even with the best deodorants, soaps or hygiene habits, some people are more prone to body odor than others. According to Love To Know Vitamins, body odor is affected by a variety of factors, including age, gender, hormone levels, diet and overall health. The smell we know as body odor occurs when waste from normal bodily bacteria combines with sweat. Although you should speak with a doctor to rule out possible underlying causes of your body odor, you also may find that certain vitamins can lessen this unpleasant phenomenon.

B Vitamins

Because the B vitamins are known to help metabolic activity, a vitamin B complex can be useful in processing and flushing the bacterial wastes that can cause body odor, reports Love To Know Vitamins. Taking between 50 and 150mg of B vitamins daily may help cut back on unpleasant bodily secretions. Health911 emphasizes the benefits of getting 100mg of vitamin B6 and the antioxidant para-aminobenzoic acid, or PABA. While these vitamins may be useful, they aren't a replacement for medical treatment.


Zinc, particularly when taken with magnesium, is another good vitamin approach to decreasing body odors, according to Health911. Zinc also promotes improved metabolism, and may also reduce perspiration and foot odor. Although dosages of 30 to 50mg have demonstrated good results, you should talk to a doctor before taking more than 15mg, Health911 advises. Too much zinc may have the effect of depleting the body's supply of copper, an important mineral. Love To Know Vitamins suggests supplementing with copper while taking zinc. While some studies suggest that zinc may be beneficial in combating body odor, further studies are needed.


Magnesium is a mineral that is important to many body functions, and its role in metabolism may also aid in the flushing of odor-causing toxins. According to Health 911, a dosage between 200 and 500mg of magnesium is recommended. Magnesium hasn't been scientifically proven to eliminate body odor.

Vitamin C

For issues involving bad breath, vitamin C may be useful, according to Love To Know Vitamins. Because this vitamin plays a pivotal role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums, vitamin C may help in minimizing odors coming from the mouth. Vitamin C is not a medical cure for any sort of gum or mouth disease.

Apple Cider Vinegar

According to Health911, apple cider vinegar may help to decrease pH of the skin, therefore reducing underarm odor. Lower pH levels create an environment that is unfriendly to bacteria. If you are concerned with your pH levels and their effect on your personal odor, you should talk to a doctor.


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