What Are the Treatments for a Rash on the Neck?

 by Kristin Davis

If an area of your neck is itchy and red, it is possible that you have a rash. According to the Mayo Clinic, rashes such as hives or poison ivy may clear up on their own, while rashes from scabies and dermatitis may require prescription medication.

If an area of your neck is itchy and red, it is possible that you have a rash. According to the Mayo Clinic, rashes such as hives or poison ivy may clear up on their own, while rashes from scabies and dermatitis may require prescription medication. A visit to your doctor will help you figure out what is causing your itchy skin. With the approval of your doctor, over-the-counter medications or home remedies can be used, otherwise, he will write a prescription for you.

Emollients and Moisturizers

Topical medications, such as emollients and moisturizers, aid in sealing the skin. This seal alleviates dryness by preventing the loss of moisture from the skin. According to the New Zealand Dermatological Society, these creams, ointments and lotions help to relieve skin rashes that are associated with hypothyroidism, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. They also help to moisturize the skin in those who suffer from ichthyosis, which is an inherited disease that causes the skin to be severely dry.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a powder that is not acidic and works to soothe skin that is irritated, according to Earth Clinic. Run your choice of a warm or cool bath and add 3 to 4 Tbsp. of baking soda to the water. The baking soda will aid in relieving the itch until the rash starts to heal. Alternately, placing the same amount of baking soda onto your neck rash will work to relieve the itch and pain. Whether you use it directly on the skin or in your bath water, topical use of baking soda has zero effect on the internal mineral levels of your body, making it a completely safe treatment for a neck rash.


Antihistamines are used to treat rashes that are the result of an allergic reaction, according to FamilyDoctor.org. The histamines located within your body attempt to attach to your histamine receptor sites, causing them to become irritates and creating an allergic reaction, such as a skin rash. By taking antihistamines, you are able to get rid of the symptoms of the allergic reaction by stopping the histamines from attaching themselves to the cells. If you feel the rash on your neck is being caused by an allergic reaction, consult your physician as to whether or not he would like to prescribe medication or if it is OK to use antihistamines that are available over-the-counter.


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