Types of Skin Blisters

 by Amber Kelsey

Skin blisters typically appear as circular, raised areas of fluid that collect underneath the top layer of your skin. The fluid, called serum, is usually clear to yellow in color and comes from your damaged blood vessels. Blisters develop to protect damaged skin from further harm.

Skin blisters typically appear as circular, raised areas of fluid that collect underneath the top layer of your skin. The fluid, called serum, is usually clear to yellow in color and comes from your damaged blood vessels. Blisters develop to protect damaged skin from further harm. Skin blisters form due to various reasons, including diseases and external factors.

Impetigo Blisters

Impetigo is a fairly common skin infection caused by bacteria, usually streptococcus, staphylococcus or Methicillin-resistant staph aureus, also known as MRSA. The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) reports that impetigo symptoms include developing one or several pus-filled blisters. These blisters tend to itch and ooze a yellow to yellow-brown liquid. This infectious disease spreads through this fluid. Mild impetigo infections typically respond well to prescription antibacterial creams, while more severe infections require oral antibiotic medications.

Sunburn Blisters

Skin blisters sometimes form on sunburned skin. Sunburn symptoms typically appear within several hours of intense sun exposure and generally go away without medical treatment within several weeks. Sunburn skin blisters are typically small and filled with a clear liquid. The Mayo Clinic suggests that you talk to your doctor if the blisters open and drain a yellow pus.

Atopic Eczema Blisters

Atopic eczema is a chronic skin condition that involves itchy rashes and blistering skin. Medline Plus explains that atopic eczema occurs when your skin overreacts to a specific stimulus and develops long-term inflammation. Some common eczema triggers include house dust, pollen, stress, pet dander, mold and extreme heat, cold or moisture. Foods sometimes cause eczema flare-ups, particularly wheat, eggs, dairy and peanuts. The blisters that form with eczema rashes typically ooze liquid and crust over.

Chickenpox and Shingles Blisters

Chickenpox and shingles are both skin conditions caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Chickenpox, a common childhood disease, causes the formation of hundreds of liquid-filled blisters. These extremely itchy blisters generally turn cloudy within two days, after which they pop open and turn crusty. The UMMC reports that around one in 10 adults will develop a shingles infection once the chickenpox virus reemerges during a time of extreme stress. Shingles, sometimes called herpes zoster, involves developing an itchy, blistering rash. The fluid-filled blisters pop, forming small lesions that soon dry out and crust over. While most cases of chickenpox and shingles must simply run their course, doctors might prescribe antiviral medications for more severe cases.

Dermatitis Herpetiformis Blisters

Dermatitis herpetiformis, sometimes called Duhring's disease, involves a chronic, blistering rash. While the exact cause of this skin condition is unknown, as of 2010, researches have linked this illness to gluten sensitivity. The extremely itchy skin blisters that form with dermatitis herpetiformis typically show up on your back, buttocks, knees and elbows. Sufferers often respond well to following a gluten-free diet along with taking doses of prescribed antibiotics.


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