Nioxin Side Effects

 by Adam Scarano

Nioxin is a line of hair products marketed as capable of increasing and thickening hair growth by inhibiting the hormone Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. DHT is a hormone that causes male pattern baldness and hair loss by miniaturizing hair follicles.

Nioxin is a line of hair products marketed as capable of increasing and thickening hair growth by inhibiting the hormone Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. DHT is a hormone that causes male pattern baldness and hair loss by miniaturizing hair follicles. Nioxin claims to thicken and encourage hair growth by clearing the hair follicles of accumulated buildup, inhibiting DHT and acting as stimulant to increase blood flow and longer, thicker hair. Before commencing the use of this product, the consumer should be aware of possible side effects.

Scalp Irritation

According to, Nioxin's trademark component is a Cozyme formula made up of Co-enzyme Q10 and nine other cofactors and Co-enzymes. In addition to its Cozyme trademark, Nioxin contains antioxidants, botanicals and herbs believed to stimulate scalp circulation and increase hair growth and thickness. Some people have allergies to these herbs and botanicals, thereby causing scalp irritation and flaking. Some Nioxin products also contain sodium lauryl and laureth sulfate, both of which are harsh detergents that cause scalp irritation and hair loss.

Hair Loss

Nioxin can clear accumulated buildup and serum from the hair follicles, thereby increasing and thickening the hair. Accordingly, the makers of Nioxin warn their customers that hair loss is a common side effect during the first two weeks of use, notes According to the makers of Nioxin, the initial loss of hair is due Nioxin's ability to unclog the hair follicles of buildup and serum thereby releasing hair strands previously trapped in serum and buildup.

Scalp Redness

Scalp redness is the one of the most common side effects of Nioxin shampoo. According to, Niacin or vitamin B3 is an active ingredient in the shampoo. Niacin is a blood vessel dilator that stimulates scalp circulation. As Niacin stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, it may cause the scalp to redden as a result of increased blood flow. The redness associated with Nioxin should subside within one to two hours.


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