How to Treat Perianal Skin Tags

 by Joe Sharg

Perianal skin tags are flaps or lumps of skin at the entrance to the anus. They are a common condition and do not indicate the presence of any other disease. Because of their location, they are commonly confused with other conditions, such as perianal warts or hemorrhoids.

Perianal skin tags are flaps or lumps of skin at the entrance to the anus. They are a common condition and do not indicate the presence of any other disease. Because of their location, they are commonly confused with other conditions, such as perianal warts or hemorrhoids. They are not cancerous and do not turn cancerous over time. According to the Mont Reid Surgical Handbook, the tags are caused by trauma, injury or inflammation.

Step 1

Identify how troublesome the skin tag is to you. If it is something that you have felt for years and it does not hurt or cause you any trouble, you may choose to leave it alone. If it is causing itchiness or pain, then proceed with the treatment.

Step 2

See a physician. Since the perianal region is not an area that is easy to see, a physician needs to evaluate the tag to make sure it is not something else. The removal of a skin tag should only be performed by a physician.

Step 3

Decide on a mode of treatment. The options include taking off the skin tags with a scalpel, a laser or chemical removal with a "freezing" agent, according to the book "Introduction to Surgery" by David Levien.

Step 4

Carefully care for the wound after skin tag removal. Regardless of the method of removing the skin tags, the area will be raw and have exposed and possibly painful tissue underneath. Limit intense or abrasive wiping or scratching of the area.

Step 5

Apply antibiotic ointment. Bacitracin can be used as a lubricant and as an antibiotic and can soothe the tissue and prevent infections in the wound.


If you are sensitive to pain or choose to not expose yourself to a medical procedure, it is perfectly fine to leave the skin tags alone. They will not lead to cancer or any other dangerous condition.


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