How to Remove Plantar Warts With Vitamins

 by Kathryn Meininger

Plantar warts are benign growths that occur on the sole of the foot. They are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), which enters through small cracks in the skin, according to the Cleveland Clinic. HPV can be picked up by walking barefoot in public areas, such as gyms, pools and dormitory showers.

Plantar warts are benign growths that occur on the sole of the foot. They are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), which enters through small cracks in the skin, according to the Cleveland Clinic. HPV can be picked up by walking barefoot in public areas, such as gyms, pools and dormitory showers. Over time, plantar warts may go away by themselves; however they tend to occur on pressure-bearing areas of the foot, such as the heel, and may be painful. There are some vitamins that may help remove plantar warts at home, but it is advisable to check with a podiatrist or physician first.

Vitamin A

Step 1

Consult with a podiatrist or physician before starting a vitamin treatment for plantar warts. Advise the medical professional of all other medications. Diabetics and those with poor circulation should only treat this condition at home under a doctor's supervision.

Step 2

Wash the sole of the foot with soap and warm water, rubbing the skin over the plantar warts vigorously with a pumice stone or emery board. Let the area dry thoroughly. Use the pumice stone or emery board only over the plantar warts to avoid spreading to other areas. Roughing up the skin over the wart allows for better penetration of any medication.

Step 3

Obtain some vitamin A capsules. "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies" recommends using gel capsules containing 25,000 I.U. of vitamin A from fish or fish liver oil. Break the capsule open and apply the vitamin A, rubbing it in with a cotton-tipped applicator. Wash your hands when done.

Step 4

Keep the foot and the plantar warts dry. Plantar warts thrive in moist, dark places, so keep the foot away from moisture. If you have sweaty feet, change your socks several times a day.

Step 5

Treat the plantar warts daily for best results.

Vitamin C

Step 1

Follow Step 1 and Step 2 from above.

Step 2

Obtain some vitamin C tablets. Crush the tablets and add a small amount of water to make a paste, recommends "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies." Apply a small amount of the paste directly over the plantar warts using a cotton-tipped applicator, avoiding the surrounding skin.

Step 3

Cover the plantar warts with a bandage to ensure the vitamin C paste stays on. Vitamin C may work by killing the virus due to the high acidity of vitamin C, according to "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies." Wash your hands when done.

Step 4

Treat the plantar warts daily, and keep the foot dry.

Other Vitamins

Step 1

Eat plenty of foods high in B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, such as beans, almonds, whole grains, salmon, halibut, spinach and kale. Nutritional support can boost the immune system and help the plantar warts to resolve more quickly, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Step 2

Take a multivitamin daily. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends taking a multivitamin containing vitamins A, C, E and B-complex.

Step 3

Be patient. Plantar warts can take two to five months of continuous treatment to resolve completely, and they may have to be treated more than once.


Plantar warts may come back after treatment.


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