How to Remove Hanging Moles From Your Skin

 by Allan Robinson

A mole may be any growth on your skin that contains nevus cells. It typically has a raised surface and may develop a stalk. Moles that have an especially high surface are hanging moles, also known as skin tags. Hanging moles are generally harmless, although they may be cosmetically undesirable.

A mole may be any growth on your skin that contains nevus cells. It typically has a raised surface and may develop a stalk. Moles that have an especially high surface are hanging moles, also known as skin tags. Hanging moles are generally harmless, although they may be cosmetically undesirable. Dermatologists can remove skin tags, and you may be able to remove a hanging mole yourself with common household items.

Step 1

Tie a length of thread or dental floss snugly around the base of the hanging mole with a secure knot. This will cut off the hanging mole's blood supply, causing it to drop off within a couple of days.

Step 2

Cut open a vitamin E capsule and apply the oil directly to the hanging mole. Cover the hanging mole tightly with an adhesive bandage and wait for it to fall off. The bandage will restrict the hanging mole's blood supply and the vitamin E will help heal the surrounding skin.

Step 3

Cover the hanging mole with duct tape to cut off the hanging mole's blood supply. Remove the duct tape after 24 hours, which will frequently remove the dead skin tissue along with the duct tape.

Step 4

Saturate the hanging mole with a mild liquid wart remover solution. Cover the hanging mole with an adhesive bandage and remove it after 24 hours.

Step 5

Consult a health professional for stubborn or unusual skin tags. A general practitioner or dermatologist may use several methods to remove hanging moles. A physician may choose cut off the hanging mole's blood supply by freezing it. Another common method is to simply cut off the hanging mole with scissors. This shouldn't require anesthesia unless the hanging mole is particularly large.


Moles with an atypical appearance may be precancerous. If you have such a mole, you should see a dermatologist.


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