How to Remove Facial Spider Veins

 by Jackie Lohrey

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the dilated blood vessels that make up spider veins appear most often in fair-skinned women. These veins lie close to the surface of your skin, often appearing as a series of red or blue unconnected lines or in a pattern called a sunburst around your nose and cheeks.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the dilated blood vessels that make up spider veins appear most often in fair-skinned women. These veins lie close to the surface of your skin, often appearing as a series of red or blue unconnected lines or in a pattern called a sunburst around your nose and cheeks. Because of their location, notes that removing facial spider veins requires a more aggressive treatment plan than most supplements or topical and oral medications can provide.

Step 1

Call your doctor or dermatologist and schedule a consultation appointment to discuss your condition and possible treatment options.

Step 2

Ask about a vessel-strengthening agent called escin. Escin is one of the few ingredients in commercially available treatments that clinical studies show may be effective in removing spider veins.

Step 3

Discuss medical treatments designed to improve your appearance. The two most common treatments for facial spider veins are laser treatments and scleroptherapy, although notes that laser treatments are often the best option for removing facial spider veins.

Step 4

Listen carefully to the recommendations your doctor or dermatologist makes and work with him or her to create the best treatment plan for you.


Escin is a derivative of the horse chestnut, available as a supplement or as an ingredient in topical creams. According to, it works by preventing the breakdown of glycoproteins called proteoglycans that help strengthen veins and capillary walls. If you and your doctor choose this option, keep in mind that success requires continued use.

Laser treatments use a vascular laser that emits a yellow light to remove facial spider veins. According to Dr. Daniella Duke, a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, it can take one to four laser treatments every one to two months to remove spider veins. Each treatment takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes and can result in redness and swelling that disappears within a few days along with skin discoloration that disappears within one to two months.

Although some doctors and dermatologists recommend scleroptherapy for facial spider veins, notes that most reserve this form of treatment for spider veins that appear on your legs. Scleroptherapy involves injecting a solution directly into the broken blood vessel or capillary that causes it to seal, stopping the blood flow. As healing occurs, scar tissue develops and the vein fades from sight. Treatments occur every four to six weeks and can result in stinging, redness and sometimes bruising that disappears within a short time.


Be aware that most insurance companies consider removing facial spider veins cosmetic surgery and therefore do not cover the cost.


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