How to Know When a Yeast Infection Is Gone

 by Julie Hampton

A yeast infection is caused by the imbalance of naturally occurring yeast in the vaginal canal. The symptoms of the infection include increased itching and irritation, odor as well as redness around the vagina.

A yeast infection is caused by the imbalance of naturally occurring yeast in the vaginal canal. The symptoms of the infection include increased itching and irritation, odor as well as redness around the vagina. The infection can be commonly treated over-the-counter with suppository medications that are inserted into the vagina. Treatment last from 3 to 7 days, depending on the medication used. Medication in pill form is also available.

Step 1

Notice the disappearance of abnormal discharge. Abnormal white or yellow discharge that occurred prior to treatment and during the course of treatment should resolve itself with in several days after the last round of treatment.

Step 2

Realize any unusual distinct odor from the vaginal area should not be present within several days to 1 week of treatment occurring. Do not use vaginal sprays or douches after treatment.

Step 3

Realize itching is no longer present. The vaginal area is no longer red near the labia. For males, any rash that was present should not be present.

Step 4

Know that continuation of symptoms may call for a second round of treatment. Visit the doctor to make sure a yeast infection was the proper diagnosis. Yeast infections are normal occurrences in woman.


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