How to Get Rid of Spider Veins on Your Nose

 by Sophie Bloom, M.S., L.Ac.

Spider veins on the nose may be unnerving, but they are most likely asymptomatic and harmless. Spider veins are a sign of impaired blood flow. In the body, veins carry blood back to the heart. When their structures are impaired, blood is retained within the veins.

Spider veins on the nose may be unnerving, but they are most likely asymptomatic and harmless. Spider veins are a sign of impaired blood flow. In the body, veins carry blood back to the heart. When their structures are impaired, blood is retained within the veins. Through simple lifestyle changes and obtaining professional guidance (as needed), individuals can minimize the appearance of spider veins on the nose.

Step 1

Wear sunscreen. Sun damage can wear down the skin, making veins more noticeable. If possible, wear a hat and protective eyewear for further coverage. Individuals with fair skin are particularly prone to developing spider veins on the nose (and face) from sun exposure. After exposure to the sun, wash off sunscreen gently. Avoid abrasive cleansers, which the nose is particularly vulnerable to and which can impair both the skin and vein structures.

Step 2

Eat foods rich in vitamin K (which improves blood clotting) and vitamin C (which strengthens blood vessels) to support better blood flow. Good vitamin K sources include leafy greens, soybeans, cauliflower and fortified cereals. For vitamin C, look to familiar fruits such as oranges, peaches and strawberries, as well as green and red bell peppers and broccoli. Refrain from topical vitamin creams, as their effectiveness has not been proven in medical research.

Step 3

Switch medications. Women are particularly susceptible to developing spider veins, and birth control medications and hormonal replacement therapies may induce spider veins or worsen an existing condition. Ask your doctor if it is possible to change your dosage or medicine. Never stop taking your medicine without approval from your supervising physician.

Step 4

Reduce or stop using topical steroids, which can lead to the development of acne rosacea. Signs of rosacea include spontaneous, uncontrollable face flushing and blood vessel dilation on the nose and cheeks. While acne rosacea medications may reduce skin redness and irritation, they may not affect the presence of spider veins. Stop drinking alcohol and consuming caffeine and quit smoking, as all three habits can be rosacea triggers. Limit spicy foods, as they may also be a contributing factor to rosacea.

Step 5

Consult a dermatologist to learn about treatment options. The American Academy of Dermatologists states that the appearance of spider veins can be improved 80 to 90 percent by medical procedures. Treatment options include laser therapy, which exposes veins to strong light that causes them to fade. Alternatively, a dermatologist may recommend using electrodessication (applying electricity to veins) or sclerotherapy (injecting a solution into veins) to cause veins to close, become scar tissue and heal.


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