How to Get Rid of a Wart on Your Forehead

 by Lillian Downey

Warts are rough, skin-colored lesions caused by a strain of the human papillomavirus, or HPV. Warts are often harmless, according to the Patient Education Institute. Many times they go away on their own over time. A wart on your forehead might bother you because it's highly visible.

Warts are rough, skin-colored lesions caused by a strain of the human papillomavirus, or HPV. Warts are often harmless, according to the Patient Education Institute. Many times they go away on their own over time. A wart on your forehead might bother you because it's highly visible. Problem warts can be removed at home with over-the-counter treatments.

Step 1

Wash your wart and the surrounding area with soap and water, preferable in the bath or shower. Wart treatments work better on skin softened by moisture, according to Gently pat dry.

Step 2

Apply the salicylic acid topical solution to your wart in the amount specified on the package instructions.

Step 3

Cover your wart with a bandage to help keep the salicylic acid in constant contact with your wart.

Step 4

Wait 24 hours, then remove the bandage. File the dead skin at the surface of your wart away with the emery board.

Step 5

Repeat the shower, then salicylic acid application every day until your wart is gone.

Step 6

Consult a dermatologist if the salicylic acid treatment doesn't seem to affect your wart, recommends MedlinePlus. She may be able to recommend prescription strength wart removal products or in-office procedures like freezing or cutting off your wart.


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