Physical Benefits of Rollerblading

 by Chad Montgomery

Boredom may send the most devoted fitness enthusiast straight to burn out. Altering your exercise program to consist of activities such as rollerblading can keep you engaged in your exercise program.

Boredom may send the most devoted fitness enthusiast straight to burn out. Altering your exercise program to consist of activities such as rollerblading can keep you engaged in your exercise program. If you fear that changing your treadmill time with an activity such as rollerblading will compromise your health benefits, this is not the case. Rollerblading offers a host of positive health benefits, coupled with loads of fun.

Muscular Endurance

The Inline Skating Resource Center reports that rollerblading is one is the most advantageous workouts for muscle development, even more so than running or bicycling. Rollerblading builds up all the upper leg muscles, buttocks, hips, and lower back muscles. Additionally, the balance and control necessary to maintain an upright position requires using several major muscle fibers, thereby acquiring physical strength and endurance while increasing range of motion.

Maintain Weight

Cardio exercises like rollerblading burn more calories than exercises like resistance training. Rollerblading is an effective calorie-burning workout that can help maintain body weight. According to the Mayo Clinic, a 160-pound person, can burn 913 calories in a single hour of rollerblading. In contrast, that same person will only burn 584 calories jogging at 5 mph or 277 calories walking at 3.5 mph for a similar time period.

Low Impact Exercise

If you are wish to engage in a low-impact cardio workout, rollerblading is generally one of the best alternatives. The foot-to-ground impact is kept to a minimum, which means there is less stress placed on your joints and muscles. Exchanging a couple of aerobic workouts every week with rollerblading could improve your knee health and prevent injuries.


One of the greatest benefits of rollerblading can be the fun it creates, so it does not feel like a workout. Rollerblading with a companion can enhance the fun. Put on all essential safety accessories, like a helmet, knee pads and wrist guards, since you are almost certainly going to take a number of falls before you become a rollerblading expert.


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