Signs & Symptoms of a Healthy Pregnancy

 by Kate Beck

Pregnancy may cause you some amount of anxiety, especially if this is your first child. Make sure you keep all of your appointments with your obstetrician.

Pregnancy may cause you some amount of anxiety, especially if this is your first child. Make sure you keep all of your appointments with your obstetrician. This will not only give you and your child the best care, but these appointments will allow you to ask questions or voice any concerns you have about your pregnancy. As well, knowing the signs of a healthy pregnancy may also ease some of your fears.

First Trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy measures from the first day of your last period to 13 weeks later. In these weeks, you may find that your breasts feel tender, and some women find this tenderness painful. You may have morning sickness that forces you to eat small, low-fat meals throughout the day to help ease nausea. General fatigue is normal during this trimester, as well as dizziness, frequent urination and constipation, says Some women do not gain much weight during the first trimester, and this may result from morning sickness. Your doctor will discuss your weight during your visits and you can express any concerns she may have.

If you experience severe nausea, vomit blood, have dark urine, faint or have any other worrisome symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Second Trimester

The second trimester goes from week 14 to week 26. During these weeks, you will gain between 1 to 2 lbs per week. Around the fifth month, you may start feeling movement, similar to a flutter, says Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Your breasts will continue to grow larger, as well as your stomach. Some women begin having Braxton Hicks contractions in the lower part of the abdomen, and this helps strengthen the muscles for labor. You may feel short of breath as your lungs work harder to bring in more air. A white vaginal discharge may occur, and this may work toward preventing a bacterial infection.

If you experience painful contractions that come at regular intervals, this may indicate preterm labor, and you should contact your obstetrician immediately. As well, if a vaginal discharge has a color, odor or appears bloody, inform your doctor right away.

Third Trimester

In the third trimester you may gain around 12 lbs. You may experience swelling of your feet and ankles, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and leg cramps, says the Tennessee Department of Health. The changes to your body may make sleep difficult, and you may need to position pillows to help you feel comfortable. Take extra naps during the day if possible, and this may help with fatigue. You should feel the baby moving frequently throughout the day, and some movement, especially hard kicks may feel slightly painful.

Contact your doctor if you have bleeding or a water-like flow from your vagina. If you experience unusual swelling, pain, rapid weight gain or cramping, call your doctor immediately.


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