Four Months Pregnant & Nausea

 by Barbie Carpenter

Nausea is a common pregnancy symptom during the first trimester, but as you enter the fourth month of your pregnancy and the second trimester, you probably hope to say goodbye to nausea. However, that is not always the case.

Nausea is a common pregnancy symptom during the first trimester, but as you enter the fourth month of your pregnancy and the second trimester, you probably hope to say goodbye to nausea. However, that is not always the case. Every pregnancy is different, and while many women see their nausea subside as they enter their second trimester, others still have to deal with nausea during their fourth month.

The Good News

By the beginning of the second trimester, many pregnant women notice that their nausea and vomiting start to subside. The surge in hormones related to pregnancy causes nausea, and many women seem to adjust to the rising hormone levels by the second trimester and start to feel better. While you should not expect your nausea to disappear as soon as you turn four months, you might notice that symptoms subside throughout the fourth month.

The Bad News

Some women enter their fourth month and begin their second trimester with nausea and vomiting as strong as their first trimester. There is no medical explanation for why some pregnant women see symptoms subside and others do not. If you still have nausea during your fourth month, it does not mean you'll experience nausea throughout your pregnancy. You could, but it could also go away at any time.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum

If you experience severe nausea and vomiting into your fourth month, you could have a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. If you cannot keep anything down in your fourth month, ask your doctor to look into this as a diagnosis. This condition can lead to dehydration, which is serious during pregnancy. It also can affect the nutrition you get — because you can't keep anything down, your baby is taking nutrients from your body, which may leave you feeling depleted.


If you are still experiencing nausea at four months, talk to your obstetrician or midwife about getting a prescription for antinausea medication, which can drastically help and are safe during pregnancy. You can also turn to home remedies such as ginger ale, which can help calm your stomach. Eating bland foods can also help.


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