Emotional Symptoms During Third Trimester of Pregnancy

 by Laura Candelaria

The third trimester of pregnancy lasts from week 28 until delivery. During this time the baby is growing and gaining weight rapidly. There are many physical and emotional experiences that occur during the last months of pregnancy.

The third trimester of pregnancy lasts from week 28 until delivery. During this time the baby is growing and gaining weight rapidly. There are many physical and emotional experiences that occur during the last months of pregnancy. Emotional symptoms will vary between women, and may differ from those feelings of a previous pregnancy.

Worry and Fear

As delivery nears, you may be experiencing an increase in fear about childbirth. You may be worried if labor will hurt, how long it will last, and if you will be able to manage through the delivery. For those awaiting a c-section there are certain fears associated with the surgery itself, common post operative complications, pain management, and recovery time. The thought of getting an epidural or having spinal anesthesia may be worrisome for many women. These fears and thoughts are completely normal. If you haven't done so already, you may want to take childbirth classes, suggests Mayo Clinic. They will be able to further educate you on common childbirth issues and concerns. If you find that your fear is excessive, or is interrupting your daily tasks contact your obstetrician. They are there to take care of both your physical and emotional needs.


Excitement is a common emotion felt during the third trimester of pregnancy. You are excited to meet your new baby and become a mother. During this time you may be busy preparing the nursery, washing linens and clothing, and preparing siblings for the new arrival. This is a time of excitement and joy for your family as you await your new baby.

Anxiety and Frustration

Many women suffer from anxiety during the third trimester. According to the Mayo Clinic, you may feel anxious and overwhelmed, especially if this is your first baby. You may also begin to feel frustrated with the discomforts of still being pregnant. To relieve anxiety try writing in a journal, doing some mild exercise, or meditating. You may be able to reduce frustration by doing things to pass time while you get ready for the baby, such as buying supplies or decorating the nursery.


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