Consequences of Nose Piercings

 by Mike Broemmel

Nose piercings have become more commonplace in recent years in different countries around the world, including the United States. Although many people believe nose piercings to be aesthetically appealing, you need to be aware of potential negative consequences associated with this type of procedure.

Nose piercings have become more commonplace in recent years in different countries around the world, including the United States. Although many people believe nose piercings to be aesthetically appealing, you need to be aware of potential negative consequences associated with this type of procedure.


A common consequence of nose piercings is infection. You face infection not only at the time you obtain the actual nose piercing, but run the risk of an infection at a later time as well. Infection can occur due to a soiled ring coming into contact with broken skin at or near the piercing site.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage is a side effect of a nose piercing. The person performing the piercing can puncture the nose inappropriately in isolated cases and damage a nerve in the process. Understand that this type of nerve damage is normally permanent.

Infectious Diseases

Sterilized piercing instruments are vital to avoid infectious diseases. An individual who obtains a nose piercing can end up with an HIV or hepatitis B infection in rare cases, according to Teen Health FX. Make sure you undergo the procedure through a reputable provider.

Scar Tissue

Scar tissue can develop at or around the site of a nose piercing. Scar tissue can be both unattractive, as well negatively impacting your ability to breath, according to Teen Health FX. Scar tissue can develop as a result of the initial piercing of your nose. Additionally, removing and reinserting jewelry, as well as the act of wearing jewelry in your pierced nose can also cause scar tissue to develop over time.


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