Pain in My Tooth When Walking or Running

 by Melissa McNamara

Tooth pain while walking or running can be caused by several dental problems. Anytime you experience oral pain upon impact of your foot hitting the ground, make an appointment with your dentist. If no problem is found, a sinus infection is most likely the cause of the pain.

Tooth pain while walking or running can be caused by several dental problems. Anytime you experience oral pain upon impact of your foot hitting the ground, make an appointment with your dentist. If no problem is found, a sinus infection is most likely the cause of the pain.


A cavity can cause sensitivity on your tooth, which may be felt as a jolt of pain while walking or running. Sometimes cavities go unnoticeable, but in severe stages, the tooth will hurt and it may be difficult to eat or drink anything that is hot or cold. A visible hole may be present. A broken tooth can also cause pain while walking or jogging. A broken tooth can be visible or it may feel jagged against your tongue. Periodontitis causes inflammation, which makes teeth sensitive, makes the gums tender and promotes bad breath. The force of your foot hitting the ground, especially if your teeth grind, can cause oral discomfort if you have any of these conditions. An acute sinus infection can also make your upper jaw and teeth hurt while causing pain around your cheeks, nose, forehead and eyes. Nasal congestion is also common with sinus infections.


Poor dental hygiene is the cause of cavities and periodontitis. Tooth decay can make a tooth break. Consuming sugars and starches makes bacteria from plaque produce acid that attacks the tooth enamel. This acid destroys the tooth enamel, which leads to cavities. In periodontitis, the release of bacterial toxins and your body's immune system response causes a breakdown of bone and connective tissue. Sinus infections are usually caused by viral infections, such as a cold; however, bacterial and fungal infections can also cause sinus infections.


If a cavity is present, a simple filling may fix the pain you experience while running and walking. In more severe cases, a root canal may be necessary. If your tooth is cracked, fillings are usually used to fix the crack unless the break is severe enough that the root is damaged. If the root of your tooth is exposed or damaged, a root canal will remove bare nerves. A broken or cracked tooth will usually need a crown to function normally. Periodontitis is treated with scaling and root planning. Scaling involves removing tartar above and below the gum line; root planning removes rough spots on the tooth's root. If you have a sinus infection caused by bacteria or a fungus, then an antibiotic or antifungal will be prescribed. Otherwise, breathing in steam from a hot shower and drinking plenty of water can help relieve symptoms of a sinus infection.


Brushing your teeth twice per day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing regularly can greatly reduce your chance of developing cavities and periodontitis. Regular professional dental cleanings and exams can also reduce your risk of these problems. Wash your hands regularly during cold and flu season to reduce your risk of a sinus infection.


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