List of Soft Foods & Meats for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

 by Nicole Holland, DDS

There are several things that you need to keep in mind when eating after your wisdom teeth have been removed. Please be mindful of these considerations after the removal of any tooth, otherwise known as an extraction. When your tooth came out, blood fills in its place, forming a clot.

There are several things that you need to keep in mind when eating after your wisdom teeth have been removed. Please be mindful of these considerations after the removal of any tooth, otherwise known as an extraction. When your tooth came out, blood fills in its place, forming a clot. For proper healing, it is essential to maintain a soft-food diet and abstain from disrupting the clot. The good part about this diet is that you have license to eat many of those soft, early childhood, comfort foods that you might not ordinarily seek out today.

Soft Foods

Soups, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, scrambled eggs, applesauce, pudding, oatmeal, pasta, Jell-O, yogurt and foods of similar consistency are all acceptable. Filling liquids, such as smoothies, vegetable and fruit juices and protein drinks are also good options. Stay away from foods and liquids that are extremely hot and cold, and avoid spicy foods as well. You have a lot of leeway in the food items that you can eat, but make sure that they are at a lukewarm temperature when consumed. Remember, the tooth is gone, and there is nothing in its place. Therefore, that hollow area will be very sensitive to extreme temperatures for the first 24 to 48 hours.


Poultry, beef, pork, wild game and fish are all acceptable to eat after an extraction. It is not the type of meat that matters most, but rather the way it is prepared and how it is consumed. You are able to eat most soft, luke-warm, tender meats, but make sure to cut them into small pieces and chew on the non-extraction side. Meat, or any other food items, should not require excessive chewing.

Other Tidbits

Refrain from eating foods with little bits and pieces or foods that crumble fairly easily, such as chips, cookies, popcorn, crackers and foods with seeds or sprinkles. The food pieces can get down into the healing extraction site and disrupt the clot and/or cause an infection. For instance, if you plan on getting a smoothie, order one that will not contain seeds.

Stay away from food items and eating methods that cause pressure in the oral cavity, such as sucking through a straw. This can cause disruption of the clot. Although it is important to get plenty of liquids, refrain from drinking them with a straw. In addition, you should ensure that any objects going into the mouth, such as utensils, toothpicks and fingers, stay away from the extraction site area. As healing progresses, more hard and solid foods can be added to your diet.


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