How to Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers

 by Frank Dioso

Sores or ulcers in the mouth can be painful, making it hard to talk, drink or eat without discomfort. If you have a mouth ulcer, there are steps you can take to improve your symptoms and help them heal as soon as possible.

Canker sores or mouth ulcers are painful lesions in the mouth. They are yellow or white, surrounded by a reddish area. Causes of canker sores include dental work, problems with the immune system, and biting the inside of your cheek or tongue. They can also be triggered by stress, vitamin B-12 deficiency, hormonal changes or food allergies. Canker sores usually go away in about a week. In the meantime, they can be painful, making it hard to talk, drink or eat. If you have a mouth ulcer, you want it to go away as soon as possible.

Step 1

Eliminate your mouth ulcers by gently rubbing a piece of garlic on your mouth ulcer daily. Allicin is the active ingredient of garlic, which acts as an antiseptic and contains antiviral and antibacterial properties. Garlic also soothes the discomfort of mouth ulcers while speeding up the healing process. Rub half a piece of garlic clove on your canker sore for about one minute. Rinse your mouth with water after one hour.

Step 2

Apply hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to your mouth ulcers every day. Hydrogen peroxide acts as an antiseptic, which can help reduce bacteria and inflammation. Using a sterile cotton swab, flood the tip with H2O2 and rub onto your mouth ulcer for about 10 seconds. Add 2 tbsp. of H2O2 to 2 tbsp. of clean water. Swish the solution in your mouth for one minute and spit out. Do not swallow the solution. Wait 15 minutes before rinsing your mouth out with water.

Step 3

Apply turmeric paste to your mouth ulcer daily. Turmeric acts as a natural antiseptic and a cooling agent. Mix 3 tbsp. of turmeric powder with 1 tbsp. of water until the mixture turns into a paste. Apply the paste with a sterile cotton swab and cover the entire mouth sore. Leave in your mouth for 1 to 2 minutes and rinse well afterwards.

Step 4

Eliminate your canker sores by washing your mouth with salt and water. The salt acts as a natural antiseptic. It can also help speed up the healing time, while reducing the pain associated with the sores. Add 12 or more tbsp. of iodized salt to half a cup of hot water. Swish the salt solution in your mouth for one minute. Spit out the salt solution and rinse well.

Step 5

Apply peppermint oil to the affected areas twice a day. Peppermint oil can help give you relief from irritation and pain associated with the mouth ulcers. It also helps speed up the healing process. Using a sterile cotton swab, rub the mouth ulcer with the oil and leave in your mouth for about 15 minutes. Spit out the peppermint oil and rinse well.


Apply the above remedies every day until your mouth ulcers disappear.


Consult your physician before treating mouth ulcers.


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