What Is the Avereage Weight of a 2-Month-Old Girl?

 by James Roland

The average weight of a 2-month-old baby girl is 11 pounds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is based on statistics about thousands of children born every year. Research shows that half of all baby girls weigh less than 11 pounds, and the other half weigh more than 11 pounds.

The average weight of a 2-month-old baby girl is 11 pounds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is based on statistics about thousands of children born every year. Research shows that half of all baby girls weigh less than 11 pounds, and the other half weigh more than 11 pounds.


Your baby's weight at 2 months is largely affected by her birth weight. A girl who was longer and heavier at birth is bound to be heavier than average just two months later. Likewise, a smaller baby can make up only so much ground in two months. Tracking your baby's weight month to month can let you and your pediatrician see if she is gaining weight at a steady and healthy rate.

Growth Rate

Newborns tend to lose a little weight during the first few days of life, but soon start gaining again. That initial drop is fluid loss. The rate of weight gain for the first few months is about 2/3 of an ounce per day. Babies tend to grow about an inch to an inch and a half per month during that same time.


Slow weight gain can be either a baby's individual growth pattern or a sign that there's a problem, such as insufficient feedings or a digestive issue, according to Children's Hospital Boston. If your baby is not gaining at least half an ounce per day and maintaining steady growth and if she's not producing wet and soiled diapers consistently, she should be evaluated by a pediatrician. A doctor can determine whether the slow weight gain is the result of a legitimate health problem or something that can be remedied by a change in eating habits.


The image of a chubby baby has long been considered the ideal. Bigger was assumed to be healthier. But the "U.S.News and Daily Report" HealthDay website reported in 2009 that American infants are 59 percent more likely to be obese than they were 20 years ago. Maternal obesity appears to be a factor. HealthDay said breastfeeding exclusively for the few first months can help keep a baby from gaining too much weight.

Professional Insight

Doctors at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital note that a healthy baby will be lifting her head and putting her hands in her mouth at 2 months. The hospital advises feeding your baby no more frequently than every two hours. The hospital also says that babies should stay on breast milk or formula exclusively for the first four months, after which rice cereal and other solids may be introduced.


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