Mood Swings in Men

 by Kristeen Cherney

Hormonal changes occur in men overtime, just as they do in women. Therefore as men age, they are more prone to mood swings due to hormone changes. However, extreme mood swings accompanied with severe depression are likely associated with another ailment.

Hormonal changes occur in men overtime, just as they do in women. Therefore as men age, they are more prone to mood swings due to hormone changes. However, extreme mood swings accompanied with severe depression are likely associated with another ailment. If your mood swings are out-of-control, or if you experience severe bouts of depression, contact a doctor for treatment immediately.

Hormonal Causes

As men age, their testosterone levels decrease, making them more prone to changes in mood. The Mayo Clinic explains that explains that this life change is often referred to as "male menopause," though it differs greatly from that of real menopause experienced by women. According to the Mayo Clinic, unlike female menopause, "male menopause" medically defined as andropause, is attributed to hormone losses over a long period of time.

Other Causes

Extremely low testosterone levels are a likely cause of mood swings in aging men. However, if your mood swings are severe, or if you are under the age of 30, other health conditions may be to blame. Bipolar disorder and depression are two mental health disorders that can cause extreme mood swings.


According to the Mayo Clinic, insomnia, depression, a loss of memory and decreased motivation are all symptoms of andropause that can cause mood swings in men. However, these symptoms are temporary, unlike those exhibited in bipolar disorder and major depression. Medline Plus reports that common symptoms of major depression include persistent sadness, feelings of worthlessness, weight changes, insomnia or oversleeping, fatigue, a loss of interest and suicidal thoughts. Bipolar disorder is classified as having bouts of "high" feelings followed by extreme mood swings related to depression.

Risk Factors

Andropause, or a decrease in testosterone starts at the age of 30 and continues through the age of 70, as reported by the Mayo Clinic. According to Medline Plus, depression tends to show up between ages 15 and 30 and the condition is often hereditary. Although Medline Plus states that women are more prone to major depression, men are not excluded from getting it. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) also reports that bipolar disorder is genetic.


The Mayo Clinic recommends that all middle-aged men see a doctor for a proper testosterone level check. In some cases, low levels can cause other medical conditions that require treatment. Be wary of herbal supplements that promise to increase testosterone levels and help with your mood and libido. According to the Mayo Clinic, long-term usage of supplements can lead to prostate cancer. Seek a mental health professional for appropriate drugs and therapies if you feel that your mood swings are attributed to something else other than aging. Medline Plus explains that depression is treated with therapy and anti-depressants. According to NIMH, bipolar disorder is treated primarily with anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers.


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