Vitamins That Help Combat Stress, Fatigue, & Mood Swings
Proper nutrition is the foundation of optimum health and certain vitamins can play a vital role in combating stress, fatigue and mood swings. According to, the right vitamins may help to stimulate your immune system, glands and digestive tract, while stabilizing your mood.
Proper nutrition is the foundation of optimum health and certain vitamins can play a vital role in combating stress, fatigue and mood swings. According to, the right vitamins may help to stimulate your immune system, glands and digestive tract, while stabilizing your mood. Vitamins may also effectively promote proper circulation of blood and oxygen to the entire body, which also contributes to energy and vitality. Consult your health-care provider to find out which vitamins are right for you in helping to reduce stress, relieve fatigue and maintain emotional health.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an important nutrient for protecting the body against damage from viruses, bacteria, fungi and allergies, which may all contribute to fatigue and mood swings. According to, vitamin A works by supporting the maintenance of healthy mucous membranes in the mouth, lungs, digestive tract, bladder and cervix, which makes it difficult for toxins to invade and damage the body's systems. Vitamin A also boosts immunity by enhancing T-cell activity, which is essential in fighting infectious diseases. Vitamin A is a vital nutrient in the production of healthy red blood cells that maintain healthy iron levels to prevent deficiency or anemia. There are two forms of vitamin A, according to the National Institutes of Health or NIH. Preformed vitamin A is from animal sources such as meat, fish and dairy. The other is called pro-form vitamin A and that is from fruits and vegetable such as peppers and sweet potatoes. The recommended daily intake, from all types of vitamin A combined, is 700 micrograms for women and 900 micrograms for men. The NIH reports that excess vitamin A from preformed sources may be toxic, but excess from fruits and vegetables has no detrimental affects on health.
Vitamin B Complex
The vitamin B complex helps to maintain a healthy nervous system during times of increased stress and anxiety, according to Acu-Cell Nutrition. The various B vitamins, including B1 or Thiamine, B2 or Riboflavin, folic acid, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B7, effectively improve symptoms of irritability, stress and fatigue. One of the B vitamins that is commonly found to be deficient in most people is folic acid, which may cause periods of poor mood and even depression. The NIH reports that the recommended daily intake of folic acid is 400 micrograms for men and women, and 500 micrograms for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Good food sources of folic acid are citrus fruits, dried beans and leafy greens. Since the B complex vitamins are not efficiently stored in the body, it may be easy to become deficient and this may result in low moods, fatigue or inability to control stress. Along with eating healthy foods, taking an adequate amount of vitamin B complex supplements allows the body to support healthy nervous system function, resulting in decreased depression, mood swings, muscle weakness and fatigue.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an important part of healthy cell growth, regulating the immune system and maintaining overall well-being, according to A vitamin D deficiency may cause fatigue and low energy levels during periods of increased stress, resulting in problems sleeping. Inadequate levels of vitamin D in the body may put the body's immune system at risk, making it weaker and indefensible against foreign viruses and bacteria. The result is a higher frequency of illnesses, increased mood swings and the body's inability to handle stress properly. The recommended intake of vitamin D for adults is 600 to 800 international units. Your body can produce vitamin D when your skin is exposed to the sun outdoors. According to the NIH, sunscreen and cloud days cut down on vitamin D production. Good food sources of vitamin D include fatty fish -- salmon, mackerel, trout and tuna -- meats, mushrooms, fortified dairy products and fortified cereals.