Symptoms After Prostate Biopsy

 by Dominique Brooks

The prostate is a gland that creates some of the fluids found in semen, according to the American Cancer Society. Prostate cancer causes the second-highest number of cancer deaths among men.

The prostate is a gland that creates some of the fluids found in semen, according to the American Cancer Society. Prostate cancer causes the second-highest number of cancer deaths among men. Doctors may use either the prostate-specific antigen blood test, a digital rectal exam, or both as methods of screening for prostate cancer. A prostate biopsy can often determine if there is cancer present. This procedure typically takes about 15 minutes to perform. There are a few symptoms that the patient may experience for several days to weeks after the procedure.


After a prostate biopsy, a man may notice bleeding for some time afterward because the biopsied area contains small veins, according to the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. Blood may be present in the urine or the stool for several days after the procedure. Blood may also be present in the semen for several weeks after the biopsy. According to, if the bleeding becomes very heavy, the patient should contact his physician.


Physicians typically use local anesthesia for prostate biopsies to minimize any pain or discomfort during the procedure. After the procedure, the patient generally feels some soreness in the area for a few days. If the pain worsens, the patient should let his physician know, according to

Difficulty with Urination

After a prostate biopsy, some men may have a difficult time with urination or be unable to urinate at all. Swelling of the prostate may interfere with urination, according to the Monterey Bay Urology Associates website. Only about 1 percent of men who have a prostate biopsy develop this problem after the procedure. According to, patients should report this condition to their physicians as well.


During the biopsy procedure, some bacteria from the rectum may be transferred to the prostate, according to reports from Weiss Memorial Hospital. Most of the time, the patient will be prescribed antibiotics before and after the procedure, which lowers the risk of infection. However, about 1 percent of men develop an infection after a prostate biopsy. According to, if symptoms like fever, pain during urination, or a discharge from the penis occur after a prostate biopsy, the patient needs to alert his physician for further evaluation and treatment.


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