How to Remove Cholesterol Deposits Under the Eyes

 by Alena Bowers

According to MedLine Plus, cholesterol deposits around the eyes is a result of the condition Familial hypercholesterolemia, which is when "bad" cholesterol gets passed down through family lines. It is a genetic disease that begins at birth. Fatty skin deposits may also show up on elbows, knees, buttocks, and tendons.

According to MedLine Plus, cholesterol deposits around the eyes is a result of the condition Familial hypercholesterolemia, which is when "bad" cholesterol gets passed down through family lines. It is a genetic disease that begins at birth. Fatty skin deposits may also show up on elbows, knees, buttocks, and tendons. Risk factors are high, including heart attacks and heart disease. It is therefore imperative to check with your doctor if fatty deposits begin to show up around the cornea of your eyes.

Step 1

Take the listed supplements daily of vitamins C, B6, E, and choline, pantothenic acid and lecithin. Isabel Bellamy and Donald MacLean suggest these in their book "Radiant Healing: The Many Paths to Personal Harmony and Planetary Wholeness," to help reduce yellow fatty deposits around the eyes. Please be sure to check with your doctor first before taking these supplements.

Step 2

Make a tea of gentian root, spearmint, skullcap and peppermint herb. Place the loose herbs into a cooking pout. Measure 1 oz of herb for every cup of water you pour into a pot. Let the herbs steep covered for 10 minutes. Strain and drink up to 3 cups a day. Bellamy and MacLean suggest these herbs to help with the fatty deposits. Again, check with your doctor before taking herbal remedies.

Step 3

Seek professional help for dietary counseling and lifestyle changes. MedLine Plus also suggests exercising to help reduce cholesterol levels. Avoid foods with saturated fats, such as beef, pork, coconut and palm oils. Your doctor can also recommend necessary medications.


Take time to relax by doing simple breathing exercises. As your diet shifts, monitor your high cholesterol levels with your doctor to see if there is improvement.


See immediate medical attention if you have chest pain or other warning signs of heart attack. If you family has a history of high cholesterol levels, please make an appointment to see your doctor.


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