How do I Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally?

 by Jonathan Croswell

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter found in the brain that stimulates happiness and excitability and can improve your overall contentedness. Dopamine is the chemical in the brain triggered by several drugs, including cocaine and alcohol, to create the sensation of happiness.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter found in the brain that stimulates happiness and excitability and can improve your overall contentedness. Dopamine is the chemical in the brain triggered by several drugs, including cocaine and alcohol, to create the sensation of happiness. According to the Brookhaven National Laboratory, obesity may result from individuals eating to stimulate dopamine levels. Fortunately, dopamine production can be stimulated naturally, without resorting to dangerous and illegal drugs or overeating.

Step 1

Exercise daily. The Brookhaven National Laboratory reports that exercise stimulates brain activity and the chemicals within, particularly dopamine. This release of dopamine, along with other chemicals, can reduce the feelings of fatigue experienced by someone exercising for 20 to 30 minutes or more. Because it takes this long for the dopamine to be triggered, you need to work out for 20 to 30 minutes daily. Aim to keep the heart rate elevated for this period of time.

Step 2

Eliminate foods high in sugars, fats and cholesterol from the diet. In addition to being unhealthy foods, these can also cause a drop in dopamine levels.

Step 3

Eat foods known to raise dopamine levels naturally. Bananas are regarded as an exceptional food for dopamine because they contain a chemical closely related to the brain chemical. Ripe bananas have even higher concentrations of this compound. Fresh fruits and vegetables tend to have high dopamine levels in general, as do whole grain foods and legumes.

Step 4

Consume plenty of vitamins C and E every day. According to, these vitamins can contribute to raised dopamine levels in the body.


Caffeine often creates a temporary increase in your brain's dopamine levels, but this quickly wears off and is not effective at raising dopamine for any length of time.

Engaging in sexual activity is also an effective means of raising dopamine levels.


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