The One Thing Jennifer Aniston Does Every Day to Be Happy

 by Paige Brettingen

Jennifer Aniston's routine for staying at her best includes exercise, meditation, eating well-balanced meals and writing a gratitude list every day.

Jennifer Aniston's routine for staying at her best, most vibrant self is exactly what you would expect — daily exercise, eating well and meditation. But her other secret to being happy and well? Counting her blessings.

The 48-year-old actress opened up to People about how she writes a "gratitude list" every morning, reminding herself to be thankful for the many things in her life for which she feels blessed — for example, her family and her health. Aniston says acknowledging these things daily gives her a "thankful shift," and she's proud of how she's made self-care a priority, because it's something people don't do nearly enough.

"I've made myself good at it. You have to really make yourself do it," Aniston says. "That's the last thing that people do is take care of themselves. It sort of sets the tone for your inner well-being and how you're going to be able to take on the day. It's important to get it in."

Aniston also tells SELF that her rituals have become "her armor," preparing her for the daily challenges ahead.

"It's one of those things, you do it and you can't put your finger on what it is that's actually making the shift in your days, but there's such a shift in your inner peace and ability to take on what the day holds for you," she says.

In addition to her daily rituals, which include the gratitude list, exercise and meditation, Aniston designates Sunday as a mini spa day for herself that usually involves a "good scrub and a nice mask." "Sunday is usually my day to kind of indulge by putting on some nice music and giving myself some love," she says. Sunday evenings are then spent cooking a fun meal with family and friends — a pasta night or something homemade.

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What Do YOU Think?

Do you share any of Aniston's daily rituals? If you keep a daily gratitude list, do you see it making a shift in your day? Tell us in the comments!


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