Does Apple Cider Vinegar Dissolve Kidney Stones

 by Brenda Barron

Many people drink apple cider vinegar as a home remedy for numerous complaints like dandruff and heartburn. Some believe it can dissolve kidney stones, but this isn't true. However, apple cider vinegar may help to prevent the formation of kidney stones in the first place.

Many people drink apple cider vinegar as a home remedy for numerous complaints like dandruff and heartburn. Some believe it can dissolve kidney stones, but this isn't true. However, apple cider vinegar may help to prevent the formation of kidney stones in the first place. If you think you have kidney stones, see a doctor right away for prompt medical care.

Kidney Stone Formation

Kidney stones are comprised primarily of calcium oxalate crystals, which are normally present in the urine, but they can sometimes be made up of uric acid or struvite crystals. The stones develop when your urine is highly concentrated, according to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse. Kidney stones cause numerous symptoms including intense pain, nausea, vomiting and blood in the urine.


Apple cider vinegar can make your urine less acidic, which decreases your chances of developing kidney stones, according to Theodore Baroody, author of "Alkalinize or Die." Even so, drinking apple cider vinegar will not dissolves stones once they've already developed.


Preventing kidney stones may be as easy as drinking a simple apple cider vinegar tonic each day. According to "The People's Pharmacy Guide to Home and Herbal Remedies," mix together 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar with one cup of water and drink it twice a day. You can add honey to it to make the flavor more palatable.

Side Effects

Drinking apple cider vinegar causes crystals that normally rest in your joints to break up and leave your body. If you currently have gout, these uric acid crystals could cause pain and inflammation when you first start drinking vinegar, according to Baroody. The symptoms should dissipate after a few weeks, however. Don't drink apple cider vinegar if you have an underlying medical condition. Always consult with your physician before implementing a new supplement to your diet.


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