Foods to Treat Bursitis

 by Deborah Dunham

The human body has hundreds of bursa located between the bones and soft tissue, like tendons, muscles or ligaments. These small, fluid-filled, slippery sacs are responsible for reducing friction between the soft tissue and bones in the elbows, knees, hips, shoulders and ankles.

The human body has hundreds of bursa located between the bones and soft tissue, like tendons, muscles or ligaments. These small, fluid-filled, slippery sacs are responsible for reducing friction between the soft tissue and bones in the elbows, knees, hips, shoulders and ankles. When these sacs get overused or strained from repetitive stress, they can become inflamed and be quite painful in a particular joint, resulting in bursitis. If caught early, home treatment can be successful and eating certain foods can help alleviate the inflammation and repair the damaged cells.

Orange Juice

Certain fruits like oranges and grapefruit are high in vitamin C, which helps damaged cells and tissues, like those found in bursitis, regenerate and repair themselves. A diet deficient in vitamin C can also lead to a weak bursa, making it more prone to inflammation and infection.

Pineapple and Papaya

Pineapple is rich in bromelain and papayas contain papain. Both ingredients can reduce inflammation caused by bursitis. They can be eaten whole or juiced to get this benefit.

Broccoli, Spinach and Bananas

Broccoli, spinach and bananas are rich in vitamin B complex, including riboflavin, niacin and thiamine, which help treat bursitis. These nutrients repair damaged cells and regenerate healthy ones. They also help prevent infection of the damaged cells caused by bursitis.

Avocadoes and Tomatoes

Foods like avocadoes and tomatoes are rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that destroys free radicals in the body. Free radicals are toxins that cause cell damage. Increasing your intake of vitamin E foods will help fight damage caused by bursitis.


Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil and flaxseed oil. This compound decreases inflammation caused by bursitis and develops strong, healthy tissues instead. You can find omega-3 in supplements, salmon, walnuts and olive oil.


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