Little Red Bumps on the Neck

 by Dr. Robert Petros

Little red bumps are a symptom of serious health conditions and not so serious health conditions. Little red bumps can be a sign of bacterial infections, viral infections, fungal infections or an over-active immune system. Each one of these conditions has its own set of accompanying symptoms.

Little red bumps are a symptom of serious health conditions and not so serious health conditions. Little red bumps can be a sign of bacterial infections, viral infections, fungal infections or an over-active immune system. Each one of these conditions has its own set of accompanying symptoms.


Diagnosing little red bumps on the neck is done using three methods. The first method is an interview, during which a physician questions his patient regarding health history. The second method is physical examination of the bumps. The third method is laboratory analysis during which the bumps, blood, urine and other bodily fluids are sampled.


Bacterial infections or excess bacteria buildup on the skin around the neck cause little red bumps. Acne, boils and carbuncles are all conditions that cause little bumps on the neck. These conditions occur all over the body as well as on and around the neck and are treated with topical treatments,anti-biotic medication and invasive procedures. Invasive procedures include laser treatment, drainage and surgical procedures.


Fungal infections have been known to cause infections of the skin that result in the appearance of small red bumps on the skin of the neck. These infections causes itches, discoloration of the skin and the appearance of little red bumps. These types of conditions are treated mostly with topical anti-fungal medications.

Contact Dermatitis

The skin of the neck may breakout in little red bumps on the neck if the skin is exposed to allergens or irritants. According to the Mayo Clinic, strong soaps, makeup, chemicals and clothes can all be skin irritants that cause contact dermatitis. This condition is known to produces rashes of the skin and is typically treated with removing the irritants, corticosteroid medication or antihistamine medications.


Herpes Simplex infections, Herpes zoster, measles and warts are all viral conditions that may be the cause of little red bumps on the neck. With the exception of warts all of these conditions appear with fever, muscle pain and headaches. Blood tests, swabs of the bumps and urine samples are all tested to diagnose these conditions. Warts are treated with surgical or medical removal of the warts. The other infections are treated with anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and anti-viral medications such as acyclovir.


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