Herbs for Hyperthyroidism & the Thyroid Gland

 by Jill Andrews

Your thyroid gland functions to make hormones in your body. This gland is important in normalizing your metabolism, the process by which your body receives energy from the foods you eat. According to Medline Plus, millions of people in the U.S. experience thyroid disorders.

Your thyroid gland functions to make hormones in your body. This gland is important in normalizing your metabolism, the process by which your body receives energy from the foods you eat. According to Medline Plus, millions of people in the U.S. experience thyroid disorders. One such thyroid condition includes hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is a condition that occurs when your thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone, causing your metabolism to accelerate. Symptoms include a rapid heart rate, heart palpitations, goiter, increased perspiration, tremors, anxiety, increased appetite, weight loss, difficulty sleeping and swollen eyes. Certain herbs may help relieve symptoms of thyroid conditions, including hyperthyroidism.Consult your doctor before starting any herbal remedies, and never replace other forms of treatment with herbal remedies.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm, also called Melissa officinalis, is a herb that may help support your thyroid and also normalize the accelerated thyroid function that occurs in hyperthyroidism. The University of Maryland Medical Center advises that a dose of 300 to 500mg three times a day may be effective. This herb is prepared by steeping 2 tbsp. in 1 cup of water and then allowing it to strain and cool.

Green Tea

Green tea may be of benefit in hyperthyroidism because of its antioxidant effect, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. A standard extract of 250 to 500 mg a day should be free of caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and may trigger symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Antioxidants play an important role to protect your body from foreign substances that can cause infection and illness. By boosting your immune strength, you are better able to combat your current condition and avoid further illnesses.


Bugleweed, also known as Lycopus virginica, may help normalize an overactive thyroid. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that a dose of 1 to 2g may be of benefit for proper thyroid function, including a condition called thyroiditis, in which your thyroid becomes inflamed. You can prepare this herb by steeping 1 to 2g in 1 cup of boiling water, straining it and then letting it cool. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that this herb can interact with some diabetic medications, so consult your doctor before taking this herb.


Motherwort, also called Leonurus cardiaca, can help normalize a rapid heartbeat that can occur in both hyperthyroidism and other thyroid conditions, such as thyroiditis. The University of Maryland Medical Center advises that a dose of 2g steeping in 1 cup of boiling water, strained and cooled, may be of benefit for proper thyroid function. You can drink this dose three times per day. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that this herb should not be taken with sedatives. Consult your doctor before taking this or any other herbal supplements.


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