How to Treat Gas Pains in the Chest

 by Donna Allen

Gas pains are a normal occurrence. Although such disturbances are not life-threatening, they can be painful, annoying and disruptive to your daily routines. There are several possible causes of gas pains occurring in the chest, including irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, a bad diet or cardiovascular disease.

Gas pains are a normal occurrence. Although such disturbances are not life-threatening, they can be painful, annoying and disruptive to your daily routines. There are several possible causes of gas pains occurring in the chest, including irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, a bad diet or cardiovascular disease. Consult a physician to get a proper diagnosis if these pains occur on a regular basis. Once you determine the root cause, your treatment plan may include taking medication, reducing stress, changing your diet or a combination of these.

Take your medicine. This includes any over-the-counter medication as well as medication prescribed by your physician. Following protocol gives you the best chance of getting relief as well as treating the cause of the gas pain, which may prevent further occurrences.

Be mindful of the medication you are taking as well as how to take it. Misinformation can lead to very dangerous consequences and can cause more harm than good. According to the book, "Health Matters: 8 Steps That Can Save Your Life--and Your Family's Health", the author lists several medication mistakes, such as taking the wrong drug or dose.

Watch your diet. Poor diets and certain foods can trigger gas pain and chest discomfort. Also, avoid carbonated beverages, because they can produce an increase in gas production in the digestive system.

Spicy and/or greasy foods also can cause indigestion, which includes diarrhea and gas pains. Acid reflux, which affects the esophagus and can trigger chest pains, can be a direct side effect of poor dietary choices.

Even if you are trying to improve your diet, you must be careful of introducing foods into your digestive system because they can have an adverse affect. According to the Nutrient Content of the U.S. Food Supply,1909-2000, "a person who is not used to eating high-fiber foods regularly should make these changes gradually to avoid problems with gas and diarrhea."

Reduce stress. Stress can cause anxiety and panic, which can trigger the stomach to produce more acid. This acid can produce gas buildup and chest pain. Minimizing your stress levels can be beneficial to your overall health.


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