How to Shave Private Areas

 by Claire Jameson

There are multiple ways to remove hair that grows near your genital region, but shaving is the easiest method to use at home. Shaving can be a painless, bump-free experience when done with the correct tools and the proper technique.

There are multiple ways to remove hair that grows near your genital region, but shaving is the easiest method to use at home. Shaving can be a painless, bump-free experience when done with the correct tools and the proper technique. Many men and women feel tidier and more attractive after they groom their private areas; however, shaving these areas is a personal choice that is entirely up to you.

Step 1

Trim the hair you want to shave with small scissors or electric clippers prior to shaving. Trimming the hair before shaving will reduce razor burn and irritation because it keeps your razor sharp.

Step 2

Take a warm shower or bath. Soak in the water for five to 10 minutes before you shave; this will soften the hairs and lead to a smoother result.

Step 3

Apply moisturizing shaving cream or gel to the areas you want to shave. Do not use soap or body wash that contains detergent, as these products can dry out skin.

Step 4

Use a sharp razor to shave your private areas. Shave in the direction that the hair grows, and pause frequently to rinse your razor and reapply shaving cream if necessary.

Step 5

Rinse your shaven areas. Pat them dry with a soft towel -- do not rub the towel over your skin. Apply an astringent containing salicylic acid, witch hazel or hydrogen peroxide to prevent the formation of red bumps due to irritation or infection. Baby oil or aloe vera may be used to sooth irritation.


Avoid shaving your private areas on a daily basis; your skin may become irritated and inflamed. Shave only when hair growth becomes visible.


Do not move the razor too quickly or with too much pressure. Nicks and cuts will bleed for a long time due to the high abundance of blood vessels near the genitals.

Do not apply aftershave to your genital region. Aftershave contains alcohol which may sting and cause a great deal of pain to this sensitive area.


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