Why Husbands Go on Dating Sites

 by Miguel Cavazos

Online dating websites offer opportunities for men to connect with other men and women. Dating sites are portable, and men can access the database from any computer with an Internet connection. Many dating sites have mobile applications that enhance opportunities to explore potential relationships.

Online dating websites offer opportunities for men to connect with other men and women. Dating sites are portable, and men can access the database from any computer with an Internet connection. Many dating sites have mobile applications that enhance opportunities to explore potential relationships. Some husbands may go on dating sites out of simple, innocent curiosity, but that curiosity may come from desires that differ for each individual man.


Some men may want more human contact. Paul J. Zak, writing on Psychology Today, reports that the hormone oxytocin may promote monogamy and help sustain pair bonds in males and females. The brain releases oxytocin during sex, touch and most positive social interaction. Husbands who do not get sex from a wife or lack positive interactions with her may use dating websites to seek out a healthier relationship.


According to Zak, testosterone conflicts with the monogamous effects of the hormone oxytocin in the brain, and higher testosterone levels make a man's cost-benefit analysis consider situations that are more current and self-focused. Husbands with high testosterone levels may go on dating sites to satisfy immediate hormonal urges that suppress the effect of hormones that promote monogamy.


Some unhappy husbands seek out opportunities for infidelity. "Time" magazine reports that a man who depends on his wife's income is five times more likely to cheat than a man with an equal wage. Your husband may go on dating sites to seek out opportunities for escaping his life or feelings of financial inferiority.

Heterosexual Sex with Men

Dating sites can help heterosexual men seek out sex with straight men. Dating sites can offer anonymous and detached sexual opportunities to heterosexual men who want to explore homoerotic fantasies. According to psychotherapist and sexologist Joe Kort, straight men have sex with straight men, because they are attracted to the act of sex, but not the other man. Husbands may use dating sites to seek out sexual experiences with other heterosexual men.


Some men with high-paying jobs cheat just because they can. "Time" magazine reports that high-income jobs can provide cheating opportunities, such as long hours, travel and disposable income. Husbands with high-paying jobs may use dating sites to seek out partners for infidelity.

Techie Curious

Technology offers tools that can change innocent opportunities into bona fide infidelity. Some personal websites are designed specifically for people who seek extramarital affairs. Mobile applications and websites offer tools for people who seek extramarital encounters. Husbands may use a social dating application out of curiosity for an intriguing new community, or seek out adulterous opportunities with like-minded cheaters.


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