Natural Ways to Clean Out Red Meat From the Colon
Limiting your consumption of red meat is recommended by the American Heart Association to prevent issues with your colon and heart. Red meat, especially when it is not lean, contains a high amount of cholesterol.
Limiting your consumption of red meat is recommended by the American Heart Association to prevent issues with your colon and heart. Red meat, especially when it is not lean, contains a high amount of cholesterol. If your diet lacks fiber and is high in refined grains, foods like red meat will have less of a tendency to move through your intestines properly, but by the time the food reaches your colon, it is already broken down and processed into solid waste.
Dietary Fiber states that insoluble fiber provides your intestines with bulk that regulates your bowel movements and prevents issues with your colon. According to the American Dietetic Association, eating certain foods like fiber can prevent colon cancer. You can find insoluble fiber in foods such as vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Flaxseed is an excellent form of dietary fiber, plus it contains vital omega-3 fatty acids, which help with inflammation. It is readily available in most grocery stores. It is important to grind the flaxseeds or buy flaxseed meal to benefit from its dietary fiber, notes Katherine Zeratsky, a Mayo Clinic nutritionist.
Laxative Tea
You can find natural laxative tea in health food stores. Most natural laxative teas have senna leaf as the active ingredient, which causes the laxative effect. The teas are sometimes supplemented with psyllium husk, which is a major source of dietary fiber. It is important to only take laxatives on occasion, because chronic digestive issues may be the cause of a health issue that needs medical attention. Discontinue your use of laxative teas if you experience diarrhea or abdominal pain.
The Ann Wigmore Institute, founded by doctor and raw food expert and author Ann Wigmore, uses wheatgrass juice as a way to clean the colon and prevent and treat colon cancer. Wheatgrass contains vitamins A, B-complex, C, E and K, plus 17 amino acids and protein. It also contains chlorophyll, which is high in minerals and nutrients.