How to Microwave a Ripe Avocado

 by Marcus Scott

Avocados are notoriously difficult to enjoy until ripe. Unripe avocados are hard, and generally bitter or bland. You can tell if an avocado is ripe by the firmness of the skin. Avocados that give slightly to the squeeze should be ripe.

Avocados are notoriously difficult to enjoy until ripe. Unripe avocados are hard, and generally bitter or bland. You can tell if an avocado is ripe by the firmness of the skin. Avocados that give slightly to the squeeze should be ripe. Avocados ripen naturally on their own within a few days in dark, enclosed, room-temperature places. However, if you need to soften an avocado in a pinch, you can always microwave it.

Step 1

Slice through the skin of the avocado, down to the seed, using a knife. Carefully slide the knife around the circumference of the avocado until it is sliced all around. Separate the halves of the avocado.

Step 2

Place the avocado halves on a plate, and put the plate in the microwave.

Step 3

Microwave the avocado on medium to high for 30 to 60 seconds, as needed.

Step 4

Check on the avocado to see if it is warm or soft enough. Repeat Step 3 as needed.


Microwaving an avocado to soften it can diminish the flavor of the avocado.


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