What Are the Benefits of Deadlifting?

 by Michael Hutchins

If the major goal of your weightlifting program is to gain overall strength, you should add deadlifts to your routine. Deadlifts are compound exercises that require the use of all your major muscle groups. The strength that you achieve from performing deadlifts is also practical and can help you in your everyday life.

If the major goal of your weightlifting program is to gain overall strength, you should add deadlifts to your routine. Deadlifts are compound exercises that require the use of all your major muscle groups. The strength that you achieve from performing deadlifts is also practical and can help you in your everyday life. To maximize the benefits you receive, and to ensure your safety, it is important that you perform deadlifts with proper form. Consult with your health care provider before beginning an exercise program.

Core Strength

Deadlifts are effective exercises to develop your core strength, which is derived by training the central muscles of your body. Muscles that make up the core are found in your upper and lower back, your hips, your buttocks and your abdominals. All those muscles work in unison when you perform deadlifts. Having a strong core is important for maintaining healthy posture and preventing back problems. As an athlete, virtually all your movements require the stabilization of your core muscles, in order to generate maximum power. The strength of your core muscles also helps you to maintain proper balance. In order for your extremities to generate maximum force, you must have stable core muscles.

Functional Strength

When you perform physical labor, you frequently pick up items off the floor and lift them. Performing deadlifts develops the muscles and the movements that are involved in many forms of physical labor. Also, because deadlifts normally involve lifting heavy weights, they help you develop a strong grip, which is also associated with many physical tasks.

Muscle Mass

To execute a deadlift, the primary muscles are the glutes, hamstrings and spinal erectors. If you do bent-knee deadlifts, your quadriceps are also heavily engaged. The integration of these muscles allows you to lift heavier weights than many other types of exercises. Lifting heavier weights will increase your overall muscle mass, which is the main factor that develops your strength.


Deadlifts are intense and involve using your entire body. Consequently, it is important to warm up thoroughly before lifting heavier weights. Start with two warm-up sets using light weight with high repetitions. Also, to avoid injury, keep your back straight as you lift, and push with your thighs.


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