Tae Bo and Diet for Quick Weight Loss

 by Jennifer Leigh

If you are looking to shed extra pounds as quickly as possible, a combination of healthy diet and Tae Bo exercise is a good way to go. Tae Bo is a kickboxing-style cardio exercise that gained popularity in the 1990s. It has had continued success over the years because it get results.

If you are looking to shed extra pounds as quickly as possible, a combination of healthy diet and Tae Bo exercise is a good way to go. Tae Bo is a kickboxing-style cardio exercise that gained popularity in the 1990s. It has had continued success over the years because it get results. The workouts burn calories through cardio and add muscle through resistance training. Eat a healthy diet with the right number of calories for your body each day and you can be well on your way to losing approximately 3 to 6 pounds per month.

Watch Your Calories

Watching your calories is essential to weight loss; you need to burn more calories per day than you consume to lose weight. Create a calorie deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories each day to lose approximately 1 to 2 pounds per week. The amount that you reduce depends on how many calories you are currently eating; make sure that you are still eating a safe amount of calories, at least 1,200 or more, each day. A good way to get started is to eat slightly smaller portions of healthy foods at each meal.

Do Your Diet Right

Eat healthy foods so that you feel full while you are creating a calorie deficit to lose weight. Healthy foods -- including fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins -- contain the vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates needed for your body to run efficiently. Add healthy fats to your diet each day from sources such as nut oils and butters, low-fat dairy products and seeds. Snack on high-fiber foods in between meals and drink at least six to eight glasses of water each day. Cut out soft drinks, desserts, fast foods and junk food because they do not contain many nutrients and are full of unhealthy fats and sugars.

Kick Fat With Tae Bo

Tae Bo is a workout that uses kicks, punches and other martial arts techniques to get your body moving. The focus is a cardio workout that burns calories each session. You utilize your whole body doing these workouts, which include dancing and kickboxing. There are Tae Bo classes available in some areas or the workouts can be found online or on DVDs. Give each workout your best effort and make sure that you do your workouts at least five times per week for 60 minutes per session. You can burn between 500 and 800 calories per hour-long workout, which can help with the calorie deficit you need to lose weight.

Make It Personal

Make your diet and Tae Bo exercise plan and stick with it. Have a friend join you for extra motivation. A sample schedule could include Tae Bo five days per week, with two days off, and an additional two to three days of weight-training exercise sessions each week. Keep track of your progress in a journal devoted to weight loss. This journal should include everything that you eat plus the workouts that you do each week. Do not skip more than one workout in a row; get started again right away if you have a bad day and don't want to exercise or if you have trouble sticking to a healthy diet. A consistent schedule is key to creating a calorie deficit and losing those extra pounds.


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