How to Do Air Squats

 by Jody Braverman

An air squat, also called a body weight squat, is an effective exercise for both the beginner and the advanced athlete. It uses just your body weight to tone and strengthen the muscles of your buttocks--gluteus minimus and maximus--and your thigh muscles, the hamstrings and quadriceps.

An air squat, also called a body weight squat, is an effective exercise for both the beginner and the advanced athlete. It uses just your body weight to tone and strengthen the muscles of your buttocks--gluteus minimus and maximus--and your thigh muscles, the hamstrings and quadriceps. Air squats also increase flexibility in the hamstrings and glutes. This exercise is great for women as it targets the problem areas of the butt and thighs. It's also effective for people on the go who might not have access to a gym or weight-training equipment.

Proper Squat Form

Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart, your toes turned out slightly and your arms resting at your sides.

Step 2

Engage your abdominal muscles and broaden across your chest by gently pulling your shoulder blades in towards each other.

Step 3

Bend your knees slowly, pushing your butt and hips out and down behind you as if you are sitting down into a chair. Keep your head and shoulders aligned over your knees and your knees aligned over your ankles. Keep your weight balanced evenly between the front and back of your feet.

Step 4

Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your knees externally rotating, or tracking over your toes; don't let them fall inward. As you lower down, raise your arms up and in front of you no higher than parallel to the ground. Maintain broadness across the chest and lift the torso up off the thighs.

Step 5

Straighten your legs to come up, and lower your arms back to your side.


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