How Many Calories Do You Burn by Walking for 45 Minutes?

 by Mandy Ross

How many calories you burn depends largely on your weight and level of exertion. Here's an estimate of what you can expect from a 45-minute walk.

Since one pound has the calorie equivalent of 3,500 calories, you would have to walk at 5 mph for five hours and 40 minutes to burn the caloric equivalent of one pound. Even that isn't a reliable marker because the more you weigh, the more calories you burn.

A 120-pound person would burn less calories in the same amount of time, walking at the same speed, as a 200-pound person. Use the American Council on Exercise's physical activity calorie calculator for your exact weight.

125-Pound Person

A 125-pound person burns 85 calories walking 2 mph for 45 minutes and 140 calories walking 3 mph. A faster pace of 4 mph burns 212 calories.

150-Pound Person

A 150-pound person burns 102 calories walking 2 mph for 45 minutes and 168 calories walking 3 mph. A faster pace of 4 mph burns 255 calories.

175-Pound Person

A 175-pound person burns 119 calories walking 2 mph for 45 minutes and 196 calories walking 3 mph. A faster pace of 4 mph burns 298 calories.

200-Pound Person

A 200-pound person burns 136 calories walking 2 mph for 45 minutes and 224 calories walking 3 mph. A faster pace of 4 mph burns 340 calories.

Customize Your Caloric Burn

If you're curious exactly how many calories you're actually burning, use a calorie tracking app like LIVESTRONG's MyPlate, which can also connect to your fitness tracker.


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