Get a Bigger Orgasm With 8 Easy Yoga Moves

 by Karly Treacy

For a lot of women, orgasms don’t come easy. It takes concentration, the right timing, rhythm and, of course, the right person.


For a lot of women, orgasms don't come easy. It takes concentration, the right timing, rhythm and, of course, the right person.

But just like we work out our muscles for results in the mirror, we can also work out the pelvic floor for results in the bedroom.

Over the course of our lifespans, the bones of our pelvis widen (especially for women who bear children). As the bones shift, they pull at the muscles of the pelvic floor, making it difficult for them to connect.

Taking the time to work the pelvic muscles will provide huge benefits in the orgasm department. Added bonuses include flattening the stubborn lower belly and providing support for the lower back. It's important work and so worthwhile.

These pelvic strengthening yoga exercises combined with Kegels done right will strengthen the muscles that support the pelvis and help you reach a bigger "O."

1. Plank With Knee to Arm

Start in plank position (the top of a pushup). Your body is in one straight line from the crown of your head to your heels (no sagging in the middle). Lift one leg a few inches, bend the knee and bring it to the outer upper arm. Try to keep the pelvis neutral. To assess a neutral pelvis, you can look to see that both of the frontal hip points are facing straight down to the ground and that one has not shifted higher than the other. As you inhale, expand the chest and reach the heart forward, as you exhale, feel the outer hips firm in and the lift of the pelvic floor. Hold for three breaths and then repeat on the other side.

Read more: In the Name of Great Sex, Here's How to Do Kegels Right

2. Warrior II to Extended Side Angle Pose

Make sure there is a straight line from one heel to the other, with the back foot angled at about 45 degrees. Bend the front knee until the thigh is as close to parallel to the ground as your body can safely manage. As you bend the front knee, that side of the hip likes to sneak out to the side, so keep focusing on bringing the outer hip to the center as you press the top of the rear thigh straight back. Hold for 10 to 12 breaths.

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3. Warrior II to Extended Side Angle Pose Continued

Release the front hand to the earth or a block to the outside of the front leg, or bring the forearm to the thigh. Continue to bring the front outer hip to the center as you activate the back leg, rooting down through the entire back foot and pressing the top of the rear thigh straight back. Hold for 10 to12 breaths.

4. Crescent Lunge to Warrior III

Step one foot forward and stay balanced on the ball of the back foot. Bend the front knee until the thigh is parallel to the ground, keeping the knee aligned over the ankle. Check to see that the pelvis is neutral, with both frontal hip points facing forward so one side is not higher than the other.

Tuck your tailbone down toward the earth and firm the outer hips toward one another (AKA tighten your butt). As you inhale, focus the breath into the back of the body. As you exhale, feel the lift of the pelvic floor and the subtle contraction and rise of the low belly. Hold for eight to 10 breaths.

Read more: 11 Yoga Poses to Eliminate Stress From Your Day

5. Crescent Lunge to Warrior III Continued

Bring your hands together in front of your heart. Hinge at the hips to bring your torso parallel to the ground, and then shift the weight forward to lift the back leg up. Again, the pelvis stays neutral. As you inhale, bring the chest forward and the rear leg back. As you exhale, just like in the crescent lunge, feel the hips hug to center and the low belly rise. Hold for six to eight breaths.

6. Warrior III to Tree Pose

As you inhale, bring your torso upright. Keep the lifted leg floating as you pass through Mountain pose, grab the foot and place it on the inner upper thigh, inner shin or inner ankle for balance. Keep the pelvis neutral, align the outer hips and reach the arms straight overhead. Hold for eight to 10 breaths.

7. Side plank With Top Leg in Tree Pose

Perform a plank with the wrists directly aligned beneath the shoulders, shift your weight to the outer edge of the right foot and reach the left arm to the sky in Vasisthasana (side plank). With the pelvis facing forward, lift the top leg, externally rotate it and place the foot to the upper inner thigh in Vrksasana (Tree pose). Hold for six to eight breaths and then come back to plank to repeat on the other side.

Read more: 9 Yoga Poses You Can Do at Your Desk Right Now

8. Single Pigeon

To release the outer hips after all of this work, come to plank, bring the knee to the upper arm, but let the ankle fall behind the opposite wrist. Then set the knee down and slide back, folding forward over your front leg. Once again, keep the pelvis neutral. If this is difficult, place a bolster or blanket under the front side of the pelvis to make it level. If the front hip does not touch the ground support it with a blanket or block. Breathe easily for one to two minutes, and then switch sides.

What Do YOU Think?

Have you ever done any of these yoga moves? Which one is your favorite? Did you feel your pelvic floor muscles being worked as you tried them?

Read more: 15 Exercises Every Woman Should Do to Improve Her Sex Life


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