Exercises to Reduce Water on the Knee

 by Jessica McCahon

Water on the knee is caused by swelling of the knee joint and an accumulation of the fluid that helps keep the joint lubricated, says BigKneePain.com. The most common symptoms are tenderness around the knee, difficulty performing some movements, such as running or jumping, and swelling or puffiness.

Water on the knee is caused by swelling of the knee joint and an accumulation of the fluid that helps keep the joint lubricated, says BigKneePain.com. The most common symptoms are tenderness around the knee, difficulty performing some movements, such as running or jumping, and swelling or puffiness.


The initial treatment for water on the knee is rest, applying ice to the area and keeping the injured knee elevated, says BigKneePain.com. However, once pain and swelling has subsided, strength and balance exercises can ensure your knee has adequate muscle support to help avoid future injury. Before performing any of these exercises, you should always consult a doctor for a diagnosis and to discuss the treatment that's right for you.

Wall Squat

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons says to stand with your back against a wall and your feet far enough away so that when you bend your knees, they are in line with your toes--not in front of them. Make sure your knees are hip width apart and slide down the wall so your legs are just above a 90-degree angle. Hold for about 10 seconds, keeping your knees at hip width apart throughout. Return to standing and repeat several times. You should feel this most in the front of your thighs.

Straight Leg Lifts

BigKneePain.com says to lie on the floor with your left leg bent so the knee is pointing towards the ceiling and the left foot is flat on the floor. Your right leg should be straight out along the floor. Engage your stomach and buttock muscles and slowly lift your right leg off the floor until your knees are in line. Hold for a few seconds then slowly lower the leg back to the floor. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

Balancing Knee Exercises

According to BigKneePain.com, this exercise can improve knee stability, which in turn reduces the risk of injury. Stand holding on to the edge of a table or the back of a chair and lift one foot off the floor. Hold for one minute then swap legs, repeating at least three times on each. Make sure you keep your hips level and your back is straight throughout the exercise. BigKneePain.com suggests building your balance up to the point where you no longer need to hold onto something for support then further increase the difficulty by lifting up on to the balls of your feet.


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