Palm Injury Symptoms

 by Jonathan Croswell

There are 27 bones in the hand and wrist, and these moving parts are joined by tendons and ligaments in the normal functioning of this body part. Because many of these bones and other moving parts are interrelated, it can sometimes be difficult to identify the location of the damage.

There are 27 bones in the hand and wrist, and these moving parts are joined by tendons and ligaments in the normal functioning of this body part. Because many of these bones and other moving parts are interrelated, it can sometimes be difficult to identify the location of the damage. For example, difficulty moving a finger could be related to damage taking place in the palm. If you develop a serious hand injury, it is best to visit a doctor or orthopedist. But first, look for common symptoms.

Swelling and Tenderness

Swelling can develop on the inside or outside of the hand in the area of your palm. This could indicate a contusion, deep bruising, inflamed tendons or several other hand problems. It may also indicate a stress fracture or broken bone in the hand, particularly if the swelling is high. If you experience tenderness along with your swelling, this could increase the likelihood of a stress fracture, especially if the hand is not mobile without pain and the skin is extremely tender. However, other possibilities exist, including strained or damaged tendons or ligaments, or a deep muscle bruise.

Difficulty Moving Parts of Your Hand

You may find it difficult to move one or more fingers on the hand, or to grip things securely. This pain is not always rooted in your palm, but the bones, and the tendons and ligaments that bind them and control their movement, that extend to the tips of your fingers from your palms and wrist. If you suffer an injury in the palm, it can affect the use of everything on down the line from the point of injury. Usually, damage in the palm area can also be identified by touching the palm and searching for sore spots.

Numbness or Tingling

Experiencing any type of numbness or tingling in the palm is often a sign of nerve damage in the hand. You may feel burning or a needle-like poking sensation, or you may simply have less sensitive palms than other people. This condition does not pose a serious threat to your health. One common cause of numbness in the hand results from carpal tunnel syndrome, in which repeated use of the hands for activities like typing on a keyboard compress the median nerve of your hand and arm. In this case, numbness and pain is usually not isolated to the palm and may be felt in the fingers and wrist as well.


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