Nine-Month-Old Baby With a Fever

 by Nicki Howell

In a 9-month-old, a fever is usually due to a viral infection or the common cold, according to As the body fights the infection, her body temperature rises. If your 9-month-old has a fever, it’s important to keep her hydrated and watch for warning signs.

In a 9-month-old, a fever is usually due to a viral infection or the common cold, according to As the body fights the infection, her body temperature rises. If your 9-month-old has a fever, it's important to keep her hydrated and watch for warning signs. This will help keep her comfortable — and help you know when it's time to contact the doctor.

Fluids and Hydration

During a fever, your 9-month-old baby is at higher risk for dehydration. Offer your baby fluids frequently. Ask your pediatrician about using an oral rehydration solution. This type of solution is helpful in preventing dehydration in feverish babies. Continue to feed your child on his normal feeding schedule. If you breastfeed, continue to do so. This might give your 9-month-old some protection against future viral infections.

Lukewarm Bath

A bath is a way to make your baby more comfortable and fight a fever. However, despite myths, it's not good to use cold water. Instead, use lukewarm water and watch your baby closely. If she starts to shiver, get her out of the bath right away. Shivering generates muscle heat. This might actually elevate your baby's temperature — making a fever worse. Dress your baby in light clothing after she exits the bath. Keep your home at a comfortable temperature — a home that's too hot or too cold isn't good for a feverish child.

Medications for Fever

Don't give a 9-month-old baby a fever reducer, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, without consulting your doctor first. These medications aren't usually recommended for a low-grade fever, warns — and can actually prolong your child's illness. However, for a fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, your pediatrician might recommend a fever reducer.

Administer the medication as directed by your child's doctor. Never give a baby aspirin, which increases risk for a rare and sometimes-fatal disorder called Reye's syndrome.

Red Flags

Watch your 9-month-old baby closely during a fever. If her fever is higher than 101 F, consult your doctor. A baby who is irritable, lethargic or unresponsive is also a reason for concern. If your child stops eating or drinking, it's also time to consult your doctor. When in doubt, call the pediatrician's office. Since babies have immature immune systems, it's best to be cautious when treating a fever.


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