A Bump Inside the Corner of the Eye

 by Linda Ray

A bump in the corner of your eye could indicate a serious problem that might affect your vision. An optometrist or ophthalmologist should check any abnormalities that form near your eyes to prevent further complications.

A bump in the corner of your eye could indicate a serious problem that might affect your vision. An optometrist or ophthalmologist should check any abnormalities that form near your eyes to prevent further complications. Your family doctor also may be able to diagnose the problem and treat infections, insect bites or immune disorders that cause the abnormality, or refer you to an eye specialist for further treatment.


Insect bites can make your eyes swollen and itchy, and allergies can cause outbreaks to form as bumps inside the corner of your eye, according to Family Doctor, an informational resource provided by the American Academy of Family Physicians. A painful bump that feels like a pimple may be the result of a stye caused by bacteria in the eyelash hair follicles.


Styes often recur and can spread the bacterial infection throughout your eye, leading to crusting and scaling under your eyelid. According to Medline Plus, a stye can develop into a chalazion, which is a clogged oil gland and which can be very painful. A chalazion also may indicate the presence of cancer cells. An allergy or insect bite may lead to serious consequences if you also experience fever, nausea or dizziness.

Less Common Causes

Less common causes of a bump inside the corner of your eye include cysts, which are pockets of fluid that build up and disrupt your vision, and papillomas, which usually are benign growths that may be pink or skin-colored. Papillomas are more cosmetically displeasing; they may interfere with vision, as well. Xanthelasma is a condition that occurs with age and often results from high cholesterol. It causes bumpy raised patches of skin on the eyelids.


Most bumps under the eyelids or in the corner of the eyes can be treated with home remedies or mild antibiotic creams. Applying warm compresses four times a day typically relieves the discomfort of a stye until it recedes, in about five to seven days. A chalazion may drain while it is healing. Insect bites also respond to warm compresses. Papillomas and other benign bumps can be surgically removed. Never squeeze or lancet a bump near your eye on your own.


Non-threatening skin formations often occur with age and usually follow a hereditary pattern. Styes and infections can be prevented with good hygiene, according to Family Doctor. Removing makeup at night and changing contact lenses regularly can help to prevent infections. Also, washing hands before touching your eyes can prevent the spread of bacteria.


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